Graduation Requirements: Bachelor of Science Programs
The following courses are used by all business majors to satisfy general education: ENG 101 & 102; SCT 103; HIS 105 (or 107), HIS 106; UNV 101; HUM 201 & 202; ECO 201 & 202 (Related Courses used to fulfill Social Science requirements); MAT 117 (or higher), MAT 130 (or higher); BIO 101 (or higher); SCI 102 (or chemistry or physics course); two PED electives; and HEA 200 for a total of 44 semester hours.
The Core Business Requirements are ACC 203, 204; MGT 215, 216, 301, 305, 323, 400; FIN 304; MKT 305 for a total of 30 semester hours. Six credit hours of a modern foreign language and three credit hours of an approved communications course are required for all programs in the School of Business. A program language will satisfy one course (3hrs.) of foreign language. The remaining courses required for graduation are distributed between major, business-related and non-business electives as indicated on the approved curriculum outlines. School of Business majors are required to earn credit for all graduation requirements, excluding free electives, under the letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) system. Accordingly, students must not register under the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade system for courses used to meet graduation requirements. The grade of C or higher is required in ENG 101 and 102, SCT 103, MAT 117 and 130, ECO 201 and 202, all core courses, all business electives, and all major courses.