Justitia et Aequitas per Veritas et Rationem
The Hampton University Pre-Law Institute (HUPLI) is a comprehensive pre-law program that features carefully curated courses designed to prepare Hampton University students for success in law school or graduate study in other related disciplines. Resident in the Department of Political Science, History & International Studies within Hampton University’s School of Liberal Arts & Education (SLAE), HUPLI is available to all Hampton University students regardless of major.
For Additional Information Email HUPLI or call: (757) 728-6083
The Core Components of HUPLI’s Pre-Law Program:
- Pre-Law Curriculum: Includes a 18-credit hours course curriculum designed and delivered to introduce students to core legal principles and further develop students’ high-level logical reasoning, analytical, and critical thinking skills. HUPLI’s course offerings include, but are not limited to, Introduction to Logic & Scientific Methods, Legal Theory, Constitutional Law/Civil Rights, and Legal Research & Writing.
- Individualized Pre-Law Advisement: Each student receives personalized advice regarding course selection and the law school application process, e.g., Personal Statement and Essay consultation and editing; assistance in identifying “best fit” law schools and/or graduate programs; assistance in securing internships, fellowships, and scholarships.
- Professional LSAT Preparation: By way of Hampton University’s partnership with Kaplan, Inc., HUPLI students have access to Kaplan’s LSAT Prep Courses (a $1,500 to $2,000 value) at no additional cost to students.
- Exposure & Access to Legal Community: Through HUPLI’s partnerships with law schools, law firms, local and national bar associations and other organizations in the legal community, HUPLI students engage with individuals and entities that are committed to providing access to a myriad of educational and professional opportunities. Hampton University’s vast network of alumni attorneys, judges and other professionals in the legal and law-adjacent professions also serve as a committed and valuable resource to HUPLI students.
Required Courses
This track is open to all Hampton University students regardless of major and consists of 18 credit hours chosen from the following categories.
- POL 318 Legal Theory: Examines the central question about the nature of law. What is law? How is it to be defined? What are its essential aspects? You will examine various theories that have been propounded in the course of human philosophy to explain the nature of law.
- POL 319 Legal Research: Examines legal materials such as general statutes, codes, West Law, and other legal resources. Limited to juniors and seniors.
- POL 425 Legal Writing: Focuses on general methodologies used in briefing cases and developing legal analysis. Course will provide opportunities for a variety of legal writing experiences. Limited to juniors and seniors.
- PHI 210 Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method: Study of both traditional logic and modern developments with particular stress upon their applications in the areas of communication and in natural and social sciences.
Recommended Electives
- PHI 304 Ethics: Examines the historical and philosophical development of ethics with particular attention to the moral implications of contemporary ethical problems.
- POL 302 Constitutional Law and Civil Rights: Study of constitutional law cases involving political and civil rights.
- POL 309 Law and the Judicial Process*: A survey of the role of law and the courts in American political process. The nature and sources of law and justice, judicial institutions, and judicial processes.
Free Electives
- ECO 201 Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics): Emphasizes the determination of national income, fluctuations, and growth; the monetary system; the problems of inflation and unemployment; and international trade.
- ECO 202 Principles of Economics (Microeconomics): Second principles course on basic tools of market and price theory and their applications to the operations of firms, the consumption and work choices of individuals, and the effects of government taxes and policies.
- ECO 319 Industrial Organization*: An analysis of the relationship between industrial market structures and their impact on the behavior and performance of firms; survey and evaluation of government policies (anti-trust and regulation) toward improving the performance (allocation of scarce resources) in the U.S. economy.
- MGT 305 Legal Environment of Business I*: Examines the nature, structure, and process of our legal system as it relates to business and its global legal environment. Topics include the court system, alternative dispute resolution, business ethics, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, torts and strict liability, contracts, and business organization, among others.
- MGT 306 Legal Environment of Business II*: Development of legal knowledge through case analysis. Topics include sales, product liability, creditor-debtor relations and bankruptcy, intellectual property and computer law, employment and discrimination law, labor law, securities regulation, and land use control and real property, among others.
- JAC 405 Media Law*: Examines the various laws that affect journalism and other communications professions. It includes the First Amendment, libel, copyright, privacy telecommunications regulations, and obscenity laws.
- ENG 399 Law and Literature*: Utilizes creative fiction and non-fiction, class exercises, lectures, and discussions as vehicles to examine various aspects of the practice of law and the operation of the judicial system.
- SOC/CRJ 305 The Criminal Justice System: Examines historical and contemporary core elements of the criminal justice system; including the police, courts, corrections, and juvenile and adult justice systems.
- SOC 401 Sociology of Law: An analysis of the sociological meaning and impact of the law, the agencies that control its use, and the critical analysis of the social constructions of legal reality.
*Prerequisites required
Students who pursue the Pre-Law track will be expected to work closely with his or her academic advisor and the Pre-Law advisor to ensure completion of all major and track requirements. Once the student satisfies the track requirements, the Pre-Law advisor awards the student with a written certification of completion.
Pre-Law Advisements
In conjunction with the benefits of the Pre-Law Track coursework, HUPLI also offers the services of a Pre-Law advisor to assist students in identifying and securing admission to various law school programs of their choosing. The Pre-Law advisor is available to meet with students on a one-on-one basis or in groups.
Other benefits offered through the HUPLI include –
- Mentorship
- Academic and Law School application advisement
- Internship Possibilities
- Direct contact with various law school recruiters
- Participation in special events
- HU Pre Law Society membership
- Coordination with Phi Alpha Delta national pre-law fraternity
Pre-Law Track Timeline (based upon classification)
Freshman Year
- Focus on establishing good study skills
- Focus on maintaining a good GPA
- Consider registering for Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) notifications about various programs (see CLEO link below)
- Consider registering for a Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) Program for summer between Freshman and Sophomore years (see LSAC link below)
- Start keeping a journal to lay the groundwork for compelling law school personal and diversity statements
Sophomore Year
- Get a headstart on LSAT prep
- Register for a logic course
- Consider registering for CLEO programs for sophomores (see CLEO link below)
- Consider registering for a Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) Program for summer between Sophomore and Junior years (see LSAC link below)
- Maintain that GPA!
- Meet with your Pre-Law Advisor for advice
Junior Year
- Meet with Pre-Law Advisor routinely
- Order LSAT prep materials
- Begin drafting Personal Statement(s) in December
- Register for Legal Research or Legal Writing course
- Register for LSAT Preparation course (Hampton University or private)
- Begin LSAT preparation in January
- Begin charting law schools that seem like the right fit academically and economically for you
- Register for the July or September LSAT
- Meet with your Pre-Law Advisor for advice
*Summer: Request and complete Law School Applications; take the July or September LSAT
Senior Year
- Apply for admission to law schools from your target list in September/October
- Review Acceptance Letters and Secure Financing
- Meet with your Pre-Law Advisor for advice
**Cleo Senior Program Application due in February
Pre-Law Electronic Mailing List
HUPLI maintains an electronic mailing list for Pre-Law students and other HU students interested in pre-law activities. We provide information related to upcoming events and on various topics about the law, law schools, and the law school application process. To join the mailing list, send an email to PreLaw@hamptonu.edu and include the following information —
- type “PRE-LAW MAILING LIST” and your full name in the subject line
- in the body of the email, provide your name, permanent mailing address, and your email and phone number of preference
- include what academic year you are presently in along with anticipated year of graduation
To terminate your enrollment in the electronic mailing list
- type “UNSUBSCRIBE PRE-LAW MAILING LIST” in the subject line
- include your full name in the body of the e-mail
Important Websites
Law School Admissions Council
(Contains a wealth of information about the law school admissions process and preparation for LSAT)
**Council on Legal Education Opportunity Mission Statement:
To increase the number of people of color in the legal profession.
For more info:
Director of Hampton University Pre-Law Institute (HUPLI) &
Assistant Professor, Political Science, History & International Studies
Phone: 757.728.4879; Email: HUPLI@hamptonu.edu
Mailing Address:
Hampton University
Hampton, VA 23668