Cyber Defense Education Courses

Cyber Defense Courses

The following are CD courses that cover the required Knowledge Units:

  • CSC 120 – Introduction to Computers

  • CSC 151 – Computer Programming I

  • CSC 152 – Computer Programming II

  • CSC 251 – Data Structure I

  • CSC 252 – Data Structure II

  • CSC 301 – Operating Systems

  • CSC 308 – Organization of Programming Languages

  • CSC 382 – Introduction to Information Assurance

  • CSC 404 – Software and Development I

  • CSC 405 – Software and Development II

  • CSC 570 – Database Mangagement Systems

  • CSC 571 – Concept of Communication Networks

  • MAT 205 – Introductory Statistics

  • MAT 305 – Probability and Statistics

Non-Cyber Defense Courses

The following non-CD courses that have cyber-defense and/or cybersecurity modules and/or discussion:

  • CDS 425 – Supervised Experience in Communication Disorder. (Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, School of Science)

This course provide each student with practical speech-language pathology and/or audiology experiences in varied facilities under the supervision of qualified professionals.  In addition, class meetings will provide practical information to aid in the application of clinical behaviors, problem solving and self-evaluation. Information will be provided through lecture/discussion, demonstrations, presentations, and critiques, in both small group, individual and class formats.

  • JAC 405 – Media Law. (The Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communication)

This course examines the various laws that affect journalism and other communications professions. It includes the First Amendment, libel, copyright, privacy, telecommunications regulations and obscenity laws. This course is designed to introduce students to legal concepts pertinent to the communications industries. It will investigate the dynamic nature of the First Amendment through the evaluation of precedence and legal proceedings. 

  • MGT 305 – Legal Environment of Business I. (Department of Management, School of Business)

This course covers the nature, structure, and process of our legal system.  Representative topics include courts, business and its global legal environment, the court system, alternative dispute resolution, business ethics, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, torts and strict liability, torts and crimes related to business, contracts, business organization, consumer protection law, and environmental law.

  • MGT 306 – Legal Environment of Business II. (Department of Management, School of Business)

This course covers development of legal knowledge through case analysis.  Representative topics include:  sales, product liability, creditor-debtor relations and bankruptcy, intellectual property and computer law, employment and discrimination law, antitrust and monopoly, antitrust and restraints of trade, securities regulation, land use control and real property, rights and duties within a corporation.  

  • MGT 400 – Organizational Behavior. (Department of Management, School of Business)

The course involves a survey of behavioral science theories and research contributing to understanding individuals and groups in organizations.  Representative topics include motivation, group and intergroup behavior, leadership, power and influence, decision-making, job design, and organizational change.

  • PHT 631 – Clinical Education I. (Department of Physical Therapy, School of Science)

During this clinical experience, the students are expected to develop an appreciation for the scope of  the role of the physical therapist and how physical therapy interventions fit into the patient/client centered model of health care delivery.  Under the guidance of a clinical instructor, students will begin to apply the examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention skills learned this far in the curriculum with direct patient application. 

  • SCI 203 – Introduction to Nanoscience. (School of Science)

This course introduces students to nanoscience by introducing the concept of size and scale as they pertain to the discipline. It also introduces students to the common terminology, and cover the basic mathematics required for working in the nanoscale. The course surveys nano for each of the sciences: nanophysics, nanochemistry, nanobiology and the technical evolution of nanotechnology in nanoengineering.  The students will prepare a written paper on the relevance of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the advancement in one of the following: bio-technology, medicine, medical diagnosis, electronic products, national security, and general consumer products.