Dr. Ziette Hayes
Dean, James T. George School of Business
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 119
I. Current Rank
Associate Professor – Graduate
II. Department
Department of Business Administration
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Doctor of Business Administration, 2007, University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
Masters Degree:
Master of Business Administration, 2001, Management, Long Island University, Orangeburg, NY
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Science, 1990, Finance, Central State University, Wilberforce, OH
IV. Courses Taught
Financial Accounting
Financial Reporting
Business Finance
Managerial Accounting
Accounting Information Systems
Business Communications
Marketing Management (grad/undergrad)
Information Systems Applications
Advanced Topics in Information Systems
Business Management & Organization
Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Hospitality & Resort Management
Understanding Hospitality Accounting I
Accounting for Hospitality Managers
Applied Business Math
V. Intellectual Contributions
Beale, R., Hayes, Z., Johnson, L., Rose, S., West, C. (2014) Training Graduate Students to Deliver Culturally Sensitive Financial Education Workshops in Primarily Low-Income Communities with Longitudinal Research Objectives. Institute of Strategic and International Studies-ISIS Multi-Disciplinary Academic Conference, Key West Florida- Published Abstract & Virtual Presentation Participation
Beale, R., Johnson, L., Caulder, C., Hayes, Z., Rose, S. (2015) Retirement Financial Literacy: The Role of Culturally Sensitive Financial Education Workshops; Allied Academies Academy of Economics & Economic Education Spring International Conference – Abstract Proceedings and Presentation, New Orleans, LA
Hayes, Z and Credle, S. (2008) An Application Of Social Cognitive Career Theory: Exploring Factors Influencing The Decision To Select Public Accounting As A Career Choice. International Academy of Business & Economics(IABE): International Journal of Business Research. Volume 8, No. 5, pp. 53-63. Presented at IABE 2008 Las Vegas Conference
Beale, R., Rose,S., Hayes, Z., Johnson, L., Caulder, C., Owens, M., Dezonie, S., Tekle, T. (2015). “Using active learning strategies to conduct financial literacy workshops in underserved populations” Abstract accepted as Conference Proceedings and Presentation at the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) in Dallas, Tx (April 24-25)
Nare,O., Z. Hayes, Coghill, C, Brinkman, J. (2014) An Evaluation of Microgrid Design Projects Integrated in a Pre-College Summer Program. ASEE-SE Conference Proceedings
Beale,R., Hayes, Z., Johnson, L. Rose, S., Baker, S. (2013) Training Graduate Students to Deliver Culturally Sensitive Financial Education Workshops and Conduct Research. Review of Social Studies, Law & Psychology, Vol. 8, pp. 5.
Z. Hayes, Nare, O., Reynolds, M. (2013) The Business of Engineering: Developing Non-Technical Skills in a STEM based Summer Program. The Journal of Business Finance and Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp 33
Nare, O., Hayes, Z., Reynolds, M., & Davis,S. (2013). “The Economics of Electric Microgrids: An Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students”, 2013 ASEE-SE Conference Proceedings
Nare, O. Hayes, Z. Reynolds, M. (2012). “The Business of Engineering – Leadership and Innovation Training for Future Engineers. 2012 ASEE-SE Conference- Published Abstract
T. Paul, L, West, Z. Hayes (2012). U.S. Manufacturing Unemployment in the Recession: The Impact of Offshoring and Unauthorized Resident Populations. The Journal of Business Finance and Research, Volume 3, No. 2, pp 46-56.
Z. Hayes, Nare, O., Reynolds, M. (2011) The Business of Engineering: Developing Non-Technical Skills in a Summer Program in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The Journal of Business Finance and Research, Volume 3, No. 5, pp 68 Published Abstract
Nare, O., Hayes,Z., Sheppard, E. (2010) The Business of Engineering: Sharing Lessons on Motivating Potential Future Engineers. American Society for Engineering Education. Conference Proceedings
Credle, S. and Hayes, Z. (2006) Accounting Departments at Historically Black Colleges & Universities Prior to Enactment of the 150-Hour Rule: Evidence of the Role Model Effect on Motivation and Performance on the CPA Examination, International Academy of Business & Economics: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics
VI. Commendations
Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. Inspiring Educators Award (Regional)
Presidents Ambassador of Excellence Award
Pearson ONE Professor Award
Edward L. Hamm Distinguished Teaching Award
Center for Teaching Excellence- Honorary Faculty Associate
Provost Teaching Innovation Award
Dr. Sylvia Rose
Assistant Dean, James T. George School of Business
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 112
I. Current Rank
Assistant Professor of Finance – Undergraduate
II. Department
Accounting, Banking and Finance
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Juris Doctor of Law, May 1987, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Minor Fields of Study: Business and Corporate Law
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Science, May 1981, Finance, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia
Certified and Licensed Financial Advisor (2004-2009)
Attorney at Law, Commonwealth of Virginia (1991-present)
IV. Courses Taught:
Hampton University
FIN 290 Personal Finance
FIN 450 Principles of Real Estate
FIN 335 Credit Analysis
FIN 413 Principles of Insurance
FIN 421 Financial Institutions and Markets
FIN 430 Seminars in Banking
V. Community Service:
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Virginia Pro-Bono Hotline Chair (Legal Services)
Member, York County Schools PTA.
Friends of Hampton Roads, Inc. Member and Past President
Habitat for Humanity
Food Bank of Virginia
VI. Professional Organizations:
Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society
Virginia State Bar
American Bar Association
Mrs. Ana Palmer
Administrative Assistant, James T. George School of Business
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 116
Dr. Ann Marie Hyatt
Graduate Program Coordinator, James T. George School of Business
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-C
Dr. Susanne Toney
Chair & Associate Professor, Center for Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance & Accounting
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301
Ms. Tanesha Parham
Administrative Assistant, Center for Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance & Accounting
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301
Dr. Oliver Jones
Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301-A
Dr. Ken Fiakofi
Assistant Professor, Economics
Location: Science & Tech Bldg. 301 D
Dr. Fouad Moussa
Assistant Professor, Economics & Finance
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301-C
I. Current Rank
Assistant Professor of Economics & Finance
II. Department
Economics, Finance & Entrepreneurship
III. Education
Doctoral Degree: Ph.D., Business Administration: Economics
Dissertation Title: The Impact of Economic Integration and Structural Adjustments on Growth Dynamics in The West African Region.
Masters Degree: M.Sc., Computer Information Sciences
Baccalaureate Degree: B.Sc., Industrial Technology and Mathematics
IV. Courses Taught:
ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 302 Macroeconomic Theory II
ECO 315 Money, Banking & Financial Markets
ECO 318 Economic Growth and Development
ECO 435 International Economics
ECO 438 Mathematical Economics
ECO 440 Introductory Econometrics
V. Intellectual Contributions
The Disparities on Loss of Employment Income by U.S. Households on COVID-19 Pandemic. July 2021
Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy: DOI: 10.1007/s41996-021-00086-1
VI. Professional Organizations
Former President: The PhD Project Finance & Economics Doctoral Students & Faculty Association.
American Economic Association.
Finance and Economic Doctoral Association.
International Atlantic Economic Society.
Allied Social Science Association
Conference Participation:
The Disparities on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on US Households — JSU Research Seminar 2020
Allied Social Science Association Conference, Sandiego California, U.S.A— January 2020
The PhD Project Doctoral Students & Faculty Assoc. Sandiego California— January 2020
Professional Dev. Workshop, Olin Business School, Washington University, St Louis – MO— June 2019
The PhD Project Fin. & Econ. Doctoral & Faculty Assoc. Whistler, BC Canada— June 2017
Western Finance Associations Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada— June 2017
Dr. Jongchai (Jay) Kim
Assistant Professor, Finance
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301-F
Dr. Marc Lebow
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 211-C
I. Current Rank
Assistant Professor of Accounting
II. Department
Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Doctor of Philosophy,May 1991,Business: Information Systems, Virginia Commonwealth University, Minor Fields of Study: Accounting and Decision Science
Masters Degree:
Master of Science in Business, December 1983
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Accounting, May 1978, Accounting, University of Virginia
Certified Public Accountant
IV. Courses Taught:
Hampton University
ACC 203,204,416,417,415
Fin 304
Dr. Jeralyn Garris
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 211-A
Dr. Travell Travis
Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship
Location: Science & Technology Bldg. 301-B
I. Current Rank
Assistant to the Dean
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Law – Undergraduate
II. Department
Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and Economics
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Doctor of Jurisprudence, 2003, Law, Howard University School of Law
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Arts, 2000, African American Studies History, Religious Studies, University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
Member, Virginia State Bar, 2005
Member, District of Columbia Bar, 2008
IV. Courses Taught:
Hampton University, Undergraduate:
ETR 210 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ETR 315 Financing New Business Ventures
ETR 350 Start-ups, Buyouts, and Franchises
ETR 395 Creativity,Innovation and Product Development
ETR 410 Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
ETR 420 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
MGT 340 Business Communications
Hampton University, Graduate:
MBA 630 Legal Environment of Business
Hampton University, College of Virginia Beach:
MGTV 305 Business Law
ETRV 210 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
V. Intellectual Contributions
Peer Reviews Journal Articles
Credle, Sid H., P. Michael McClain, and Torrino Travell Travis. “The Elmo Bank: A Case Study of Merger Acquisition Target Firm Valuation Methods.” Working Paper (Pilot Test Fall 2004 and Spring 2005, MBA 313 Financial Reporting and Analysis and Business Finance FIN 304 Summer 2005. Submitted for publication August 2005. Accepted for publication: The Journal of Cases in Finance: January 2007.
VI. Professional Organizations
Professional Memberships
American Bar Association
Peninsula Bar Association
Apostolic Law Association
VII. Community Organizations
President, National Youth for Christ, Way of the Cross Church of Christ International, Inc. (2007-President); Second Vice President (2000-2007).
Pastor, City of Refuge Way of the Cross Church, Richmond, VA (2009 –Present).
Attorney at Law, Law Office of Travell Travis, P.L.C. Hampton,VA, (2005- Present)
President, Ambassadors for Christ Ministries, Inc., Hampton, VA, (2007-Present)
Business Administration
Dr. Sharad K. Maheshwari
Interim Chair and Professor, Business Administration
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-B
Professor, School of Business (Aug 2015- to date).
Associate Professor, School of Business (Aug 1997- July 2015).
Assistant Professor, School of Business (Aug 1991- July 1997).
Founding Dean, School of Management, (Aug 2016- Dec 2016).
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Management (Summer 2011)
Adjunct Professor, Master of Business Administration, 1998-1999.
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, 1995-1996.
Curriculum Coordinator. 1994-95.
Teaching Assistant, Industrial Engineering and Management (Aug 1987-July 1991).
Lecturer, Industrial and Production Engineering (Aug 1987-July 1991).
Supply Chain Management
Operation Management
Business Research and Business Statistics
Management of Information Systems
System Analysis and Design
Doctor of Philosophy. May 1992.
Industrial Engineering. University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
Dissertation Title: “Planning and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Material Handling Considerations.”
Minor Fields of Study: Computer Systems and, Probability and Statistics.
Master of Engineering. December 1984.
Production Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (formally University of Roorkee) Roorkee, India.
Production Engineering with Concentration in Manufacturing Management.
Bachelor of Engineering. May 1981.
Industrial Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology (formally University of Roorkee) Roorkee, India.
Industrial Engineering.
Certified Quality Engineer, American Society of Quality Control (1996- today)
Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Virginia (1996-.today)
Context Sensitive Solution, Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), April 1, 2009
Building and supporting your local area network, Hamilton Institute, Richmond, VA, 1996
Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Bombay, India.
Assistant Executive Engineer Maintenance, 1983-1984.
MGT 205 Computer Concepts in Business
MGT 215 Principles of Statistics Analysis
MGT 216 Quantitative Methods
MGT 323 Information/DP Systems Management
MGT 402 Production and Operations Management
MGT 600 Management of Processes/Production
MGT 601 Business Information Systems
MGT 660 Information Systems Development
MGT 680 Quantitative Decision Making
MIS 309 System Analysis and Design I
MIS 406 System Analysis and Design II
MBA 314 Management Engineering II
LAP Leadership Application Program
MBA 500 World Business Cultures and Resources
MBA 513 System Analysis and Design
MBA 600 Supply Chain and Transportation
MBA 601 Quality and Supply Chain Management
MBA 608 Advanced Topics in Information Systems
MBA 610 Business Research
Industrial System Simulation
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Linear Systems.
Workshop Technologies
Production Planning and Control
Manufacturing Processes
Operations Research
Computer Programming
Engineering Metrology.
Lean Six-Sigma Management (MBA course)
Operations Management (MBA course)
- Allied Academies, 1997-todate. (Editor)
- Golden Key 2011.
- Sigma Beta Delta (Business Honor Society), 1998-Today (Faculty President)
- American Society for Quality Control, 1993-present
- Institute of Supply Management, 2005-present
- Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society), 1988.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Las Vegas, Oct. 2015.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2015.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Nashville, TN, March 2014.
- NCITEC Conference, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi, October 31 – November 01, 2013.
- 16th Annual International Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Society (ASBBS), Istanbul, Turkey. June 13-15, 2013.
- UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Orlando, Florida. April 4-5, 2013.
- 10th Annual Black Executive Supply Management Summit (BESMS), New Orleans, LA, Feb, 2013.
- National Conference on Intermodal Transportation, Hampton, VA, October 2012.
- Mid-Continent Transportation Forum, Madison, WI, September 2012.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, New Orleans, April 2012.
- Allied Academies International Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct, 2012.
- Allied Academies International Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2011.
- Allied Academies International Conference, New Orleans, MS, April 2010.
- 7th Annual Black Executive Supply Management Summit, San Diego, CA, Feb 2010.
- 2009 Annual Conference of International Conference of Allied Academies, New Orleans, April 2009.
- 6th Annual Black Executive Supply Management Summit (BESMS), Orlando, FL, March 2009.
- 2008 Annual Conference of International Conference of International Academy of Business and Economics, Las Vegas, October 2008.
- International Conference of Institute of Business Finance Research, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 2008.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Tunica, MS, April 2008.
- The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), San Francisco, CA, May 2007
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Reno. Oct 2007.
- Allied Academies Conference, Jacksonville, FL. April 2007.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Las Vegas. Oct 2006.
- Academy of Economics and Finance, Houston, Feb, 2006.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Las Vegas. Oct 2005.
- Academy of Economics and Finance, Myrtle Beach, Feb 2005.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, New Orleans, April, 2004
- Meeting of PI’s National Science Foundation, Philadelphia, September 2004.
- Southeast Decision Sciences Meeting, Roanoke, VA, Feb., 2003.
- Allied Academies, International Conference, Maui, Oct 11-13, 2000
- Allied Academy’s, National Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, April 9-10, 1999
- Allied Academy’s, International Conference, Las Vegas, Oct 24-28, 1998.
- Chairing The Academic Department, Virginia Tidewater Consortium For Higher Education, Virginia Beach, March 5-6, 1998.
- Southeast Decision Sciences Meeting, Roanoke, VA, Feb. 25-27, 1998.
- AACSB Undergraduate Program Seminar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Feb. 5-7, 1998.
- International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Jaipur, India, January 1997.
- Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (SE INFORMS) Conference, Myrtle Beach, October 1996.
- Technology 2000: Preparing yourself for the future, Norfolk, VA, July 1996.
- Southeast Institute of Management Science (SE TIMS) Conference, Myrtle Beach, October 1995.
- Annual Conference of International Business Schools Computing Associations, Baltimore, July, 1994.
- Southeast Institute of Management Science (SE TIMS) Conference, Myrtle Beach, October 1994.
- Production and Operation Management Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October, 1994.
- ISO 9000 Audits, American Society of Quality Control Local Chapter Meeting, Feb 1994.
- Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.
- Production and Operation Management Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October, 1993.
- Southeast Institute of Management Science (SE TIMS) Conference, Myrtle Beach, October 1993.
- Quality Management in Virginia School System, American Society of Quality Control Local Chapter Meeting, Oct 1993.
- Production and Operation Management Society Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October, 1992.
- International Industrial Engineering Conference, Detroit, May, 1991.
- Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, Boca Raton, Florida, May, 1991.
- ORSA/TIMS 31st Joint National Meeting, Nashville, May, 1991.
- International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Orlando, March, 1991.
- PROCIEM’90 Conference, Tampa, Florida, November, 1990.
- International Industrial Engineering Conference, San Antonio, Oct, 1990.
- ORSA/TIMS 30th Joint National Meeting, Philadelphia, October 1990.
8. PRESENTATIONS: (Presenter/s are underlined)
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2016). “Innovation & Creativity” High School Principals Meet, OP Jindal University, Raigarh, India. November, 2016.
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2016). “Faculty Development: Active Learning and Case-Based Teaching” Faculty School of Management, OPJU, Raigarh, India. October, 201
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2016). “Motivational Speech: How to Succeed” Undergraduate and graduate students, School of Management, OPJU, Raigarh, India. Sept, 2016
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2016). “Management Education and its Role in Society” Orientation Programme of School of Management, OPJU, Raigarh, India. Aug, 2016
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2016). “Transportation Center at Hampton University” 5th Annual Minority Institutions of Higher Education Partnering in Transportation, Florida Memorial University, Feb 2016.
- Maheshwari, Sharad (2015). “Impact of Driving Simulation Training on Attitudes of Adult Drivers Towards Texting-While-Driving” Oct. 2015, Allied Academies International Conference, New Orleans
- Maheshwari, Sharad; Taylor, Shontae & Pollard-Mitchell, Sonja (2015). “Impact of the National Summer Transportation Institute at Hampton University” April 2015, Allied Academies International Conference, New Orleans.
- Maheshwari, Sharad; D’Souza, Kelwyn & Baker, Spencer (2015). “Evaluation of a Texting-While-Driving Education Program among Adult Drivers” April 2015, Allied Academies International Conference, New Orleans.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. “Comparison of Regional and Urban Transit Bus Driver Distraction”. The 2014 Urban Transport Conf., Algarve, Portugal, 2014.
- Maheshwari, S. K. & K. A. D’Souza. “Impact of Education and Awareness Programs on the Usage and Attitude Towards Texting While Driving among Young Drivers” Allied Academies Conference. Nashville, March 2014
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Research framework for studying transit bus driver distraction. The Urban Transport 2013 Conf. Kos, Greece, May 29-31, 2013. Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Southampton, U.K.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. “Interdisciplinary Transportation Education and Workforce Development Modules (ITEWDM)” Poster presentation in UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Orlando, Florida. April 4-5, 2013.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. “A Framework for Implementing Interdisciplinary Transportation Education and Workforce Development Modules in Business Curriculum.” Presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Society (ASBBS), Istanbul, Turkey. June 13-15, 2013.
- Maheshwari, S. K. & K. A. D’Souza. “A Framework for Implementing Interdisciplinary Transportation Education and Workforce Development Modules in Business Curriculum”. Presented at the Annual NCITEC Conference, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi, October 31 – November 01, 2013.
- Maheshwari, S. K. & K. A. D’Souza. “A Framework for Implementing Interdisciplinary Transportation Education and Workforce Development Modules in Business Curriculum”. Presented at the Workshop on Transportation Workforce Development for Non-Technical Professionals, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, November 12, 2013.
- Hicks, Nikki; West, Leslie; Amos, Jamie; & Maheshwari, Sharad. “Effect of Pell Grant Changes On The Graduation Rate And College Finances: Study Of Rural Community Colleges In Virginia.” Presented at Fall 2013 Allied Academy International Conference. New Orleans, Oct 2013.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. Modeling and Analysis of Transit Bus Driver Distraction. 20th National Conference for Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 14 – 17, 2012.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K. An Analysis of Transit Bus Driver Distraction Using Multinomial Logistic Regression Models” 53rd Annual Transportation Research Forum, Tampa, March 2012. www.trforum.org/forum/2012.
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. Impact of Education And Awareness Programs on The Usage And Attitude Towards Texting While Driving Among Young Drivers. 2012 National Conference on Intermodal Transportation, Hampton, VA, Oct. 2012.
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. Impact of Education And Awareness Programs on The Usage And Attitude Towards Texting While Driving Among Young Drivers. 2012 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Forum, Madison, Sept, 2012.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. Modeling and Predicting Transit Bus Driver Distraction.2012 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Forum, Madison, WI, September 6 -7, 2012.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A., Maheshwari, Sharad K (2012) “Improving performance of public transit buses by minimizing driver distraction”. Proceedings of Conference on Urban Transportation, 2012. May 2012, A Coruña, Spain. (Presenter Kelwyn D’Souza).
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Modeling and Predicting Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, VA.” 2012 Int. Allied Academies Conference, New Orleans, April 2012.
- Zapatero, E.G.; Maheshwari, S. K. & Chen, J. “Effectiveness of Active Learning Environment: Should Testing Methods be Modified?” 2011 Fall Allied Academies Conference, Las Vegas, October, 2011.
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Modeling Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, Virginia.” International Allied Academies Conference, Orlando, April 2011
- Maheshwari, Sharad K & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Impact of Education and Awareness Programs on the Usage and Attitude Towards Texting While Driving among Young Driver.” International Allied Academies Conference, Orlando, April 2011
- Zapatero, E., Maheshwari, Sharad K. & Chen, Jim “Assessing Impact of the Active Learning Environment on Student Outcomes in the Classroom Setting.” International Allied Academies Conference, Orlando, April 2011.
- Kelwyn D’Souza and Sharad K Maheshwari,. “Factors Influencing Performance in an Introductory Management Science Course, Part II” 2010 Annual Conference of Allied Academies, New Orleans.
- Kelwyn A. D’Souza and Sharad K. Maheshwari. “ Factors Influencing Performance in an Introductory Management Science Course. 2009 Annual Conference of Allied Academies, New Orleans.
- Sharad K Maheshwari and Kelwyn A. D’Souza, “Intersection Traffic Accident Data Modeling and Analysis: Empirical Study in City of Norfolk, VA—Continued Study” 2009 Annual Conference of Allied Academies, New Orleans.
- Sharad K Maheshwari and Kelwyn A. D’Souza, “Intersection Traffic Accident Data Modeling and Analysis: Empirical Study in City of Norfolk, VA” 2008 Annual Conference of IABE , Las Vegas.
- Sid Credle, Sharad Maheshwari and Janelle Pridgen. “Best College and University Rankings Based on a School’s Alumni Success” Academic delivery Systems at Historical Black Colleges and Universities and Traditional White Institutions’ International Conference of IBFR, San Jose, Costa Rica. May 2008.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Sid Credle. “Vehicle Replacement Policy” Allied Academies, International Conference, Tunica, MS, April 2008.
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. “ABC Coatings” Allied Academies, International Conference, Reno. Oct 2007
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. “Service Learning Through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program: Students Perception of the Value of VITA” Allied Academies, International Conference, Reno. Oct 2007
- Sid Credle, Sharad Maheshwari and Janelle Pridgen “Best College and University Rankings Based on a School’s Alumni Success” Academic delivery Systems at Historical Black Colleges and Universities and Traditional White Institutions”; NCORE 2007, San Francisco.
- Sharad K Maheshwari and Kelwyn A. D’Souza. “ Intersection Traffic Accident Data Modeling And Analysis: Empirical Study in City of Norfolk, VA” , Allied Academies Conference, April 2007.
- Sharad K Maheshwari . “Excel In the Classroom”, Allied Academies Conference, April 2007.
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. ABC Coating: A Case Study, Conference of Academy of Economics and Finance, Houston, 2006.
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. ‘Impact of Casino Gambling on the Personal Income and Employment’ Allied Academies Conference, Las Vegas, 2005.
- Sharad Maheshwari. ‘Optimizing Metal Cutting Cost by Integrating of Cost of Quality Using Taguchi s Loss Function.” Allied Academies Conference, 2005, Las Vegas.
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. ‘Impact of Casino Gambling on the Personal Income and Employment’ Conference, Academy of Economics and Finance, Myrtle Beach, 2005.
- Sharad Maheshwari, Anne Pierce, Zapatero, E..”Planning for Project BRACE: Bridging Research and Curriculum Experiences. Meeting of Principal Investigators of NSF, Philadelphia, Sept., 2004.
- Sharad Maheshwari & Sid Credle. “Project Management: Using Earned Valued Analysis (EVA) to Monitor a Project Progress”, National meeting, Allied Academies, New Orleans, April [2004]
- Sharad Maheshwari , Sid Credle and Ruby Beale Behavioral and Critical Thinking Skills Enhancement Utilizing Chess Analysis Methodology, SE Decision Science Institute, Williamsburg, Feb 2003
- Sharad Maheshwari . Integration of Quality Cost in the in Metal Cutting Operations Using Taguchi’s Loss function: An Experimental Analysis, SE Decision Science Institute, Williamsburg, Feb. 2003.
- Sharad Maheshwari “Instructional Technology Assistance Project—A Progress Report,” Spring Faculty Institute, Hampton University, May 2002.
- Sharad Maheshwari “Instructional Technology Assistance Project—A Plan For Bringing Technology into the Classroom,” Spring Faculty Institute, Hampton University, May 2001.
- Sharad Maheshwari. “Internet and Computer Tools for Visually Disabled” 2000 International Conference of Allied Academies, Oct 2000, Maui, Hawaii.
- Sharad Maheshwari .“Should Every One be on the Internet? A Case for Small Businesses.” National Conference of Allied Academies, Academy of Information and Management Science, Oct. 1998, Las Vegas
- Sharad Maheshwari and Edward Makanson . “Globalization of Curriculum” Winter Faculty Institute, Hampton University, January 1998.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator.”Integration of Mathematical and Simulation Models in the Operational Planning of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” National Conference of Allied Academies, Academy of Information and Management Science, April 1999, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator.”Reduction of Shop Locking In Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” International Conference of Allied Academies, Academy of Information and Management Science, Oct. 1998, Las Vegas.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Xiande Zhao.”Determination of Cost of Quality in Metal Cutting Operations Including Cost of Surface Roughness Using Taguchi’s Loss Function.” 1998 SE DSI, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 1998.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Xiande Zhao “Taguchi Loss Function: Machining Cost Estimation” International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Jaipur. India. January 1997.
- Sharad Maheshwari “International Marketing Systems, A Case Study” 1996 INFORMS, October 1996.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Xiande Zhao “Quality Management Practices in Egypt: A Survey.” 1996 INFORMS, October 1996.
- Sharad Maheshwari “Selecting Service Line Discipline for Cd-rom Stations Using Discrete Event Simulation: Case Study for Undergraduate POM Class.” 1995 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1995.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Xiande Zhao “Determination of Cost of Quality in Metal Cutting Operations: Taguchi’s Loss Functions.” 1994 Production and Operation Management Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October, 1994.
- Sharad Maheshwari. “Selection of Software Tools For Business: Analytical Hierarchy Approach.” 1994 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1994.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator . “Simulation of Tool Requirement in FMS.” 1994 Annual Conference of International Business Schools Computing Associations, Baltimore, July, 1994.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Xiande Zhao “Quality Management Practices in India: A Survey.” 1993 Meeting of Decision Science Institute, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “Procedure for Selection of Strategies for Loading and Controlling of Machine and Material Handling Systems in FMS.” 1993 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1993.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “Avoidance of Shop-Locking in FMS–A Simulation Approach.” 1992 Production and Operation Management Society Meeting, Orlando, October, 1992.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “An FMS Planning Procedure with Material Handling Considerations.” 1991 International Industrial Engineering Conference, Detroit, May, 1991.
- Sharad Maheshwari and AJG Babu. “Optimal Location of a Mobile Robot.” 4th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, Boca Raton, Florida, May, 1991.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “A Simulation Based Operational Control Model for FMS.” TIMS/ORSA 31st Joint National Meeting, Nashville, May, 1991.
- Sharad Maheshwari and S, Misra “A New Approach to Parameter Selection: Integration of Quality.” 13th International Conference on Computers and IE, Orlando, March, 1991.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “Parts Routing and Tools Allocation in an FMS with Automated Tool Delivery System.” PROCIEM 1990 Conference, Tampa, November, 1990.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “Interactions of Dynamic Control Strategies in an FMS.” PROCIEM 1990 Conference, Tampa, November, 1990.
- Sharad Maheshwari and Suresh Khator “On Parts Routing and Tools Allocation in an FMS with Material Handling Considerations.” ORSA/TIMS 30th Joint National Meeting, Philadelphia, October 1990.
- D’Souza, K. A., Maheshwari, S. K., (2015). “A Methodological Approach for Studying Public Bus Transit Driver Distraction” V10, N2, Sustainable Development and Planning Journal, WIT Press, UK.
- Hicks, Nikki; West, Leslie; Amos, Jamie; & Maheshwari, Sharad (2014). “Effect of Pell Grant Changes On The Graduation Rate And College Finances: Study Of Rural Community Colleges In Virginia.” V5, N1, Fall 2014, Journal of Business and Education Leadership.
- Lester, Monica; Maheshwari, Sharad; & McLain, P.M (2013). “Family Firms and Negative Social Capital: A Property Rights Theory Approach.” Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, V15, N1 [2013].
- D’Souza, K. A., Maheshwari, S. K., and Z. Banaszak (2013). “Research Framework For Studying Driver Distraction On Polish City Highways.” Management and Production Engineering Review, V4, N 2, pp 12-24, [2013].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Modeling and Predicting Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, VA.” Journal of Academy of Information and Management Science, V 16 N1 [2013].
- Zapatero, E.G.; Maheshwari, S. K. & Chen, J. “Effectiveness of Active Learning Environment: Should Testing Methods be Modified?” Journal of Academy of Education Leadership V16, N4 [2012].
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A & Maheshwari, S. K. Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Public Transit Bus Driver Distraction. The Journal of Public Transportation. V15, N3, pp 1-23 [2012].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. “Modified Inventory Model For A Job-Shop.” Journal of Business and Finance Research, Fall [2011].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Modeling Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, Virginia.” Journal of Academy of Information and Management Science V 15, N1 [2011].
- D’Souza Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, Sharad K. “Predicting and Monitoring Student Performance in an Introductory Management Science Course. Journal of Academy of Education Leadership V15, N3 [2011].
- Credle, Sid H., Maheshwari, Sharad K., Kavota, Vahwere, & Maghear Nicoleta “The Use of Activity Based Matrix To Assess Departmental Effectiveness in Higher Education.” Journal of Business and Finance Research, V2, N1, [2010].
- Credle, Sid H., Beale, Ruby L., & Maheshwari, Sharad K. “Value of the Case Analysis in the Business Education.” Business Education and Accreditation Journal, V1, N1, [2009].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K., McLain, Phillip M., & Stretcher, Robert C. “ABC Coating: Replacement of the Plant. An Accounting Case” Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 16, Number 7, [2010].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K., McLain, Phillip M., & Stretcher, Robert C. “Instructors’ Notes–ABC Coating: Replacement of the Plant. An Accounting Case” Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 16, Number 8, [2010].
- D’Souza Kelwyn A and Maheshwari, Sharad K. “Factors Influencing Performance in an Introductory Management Science Course. Journal of Academy of Education Leadership, Volume 14, Number 3 [2010].
- Maheshwari, S., and Credle, S.. “The Development of Fleet Vehicle Replacement Policy For a Federal Government Contractor.” Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 16, Number 1, [2010.]
- Maheshwari, S., and Credle, S.. “Instructors’ Notes: The Development of Fleet Vehicle Replacement Policy For a Federal Government Contractor.” Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 16, Number 1, [2010.]
- Maheshwari, Sharad K & McLain, Philip M. “Selection of Accounting Software Tools For Small Businesses: Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach” Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol 1, Issue 1, Summer [2009]
- Maheshwari, Sharad K., Pierce, Anne, and Zapatero, Enrique. “Bridging Gap in Education and Research: Why Minority Students are not Selecting Graduate Technical Careers in Computer Science and Information Systems” Journal of Academy of Management and Information Systems. Volume 12, Numbers 1 and 2, [2009].
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. and D’Souza, Kelwyn A. “Intersection Traffic Accident Data Modeling and Analysis: Empirical Study in City of Norfolk, VA” IABE Journal of Business Research, [2008].
- Credle, Sid H., Maheshwari, Sharad K. and Pridgen, Janelle. “Best College and University Rankings Based on a School’s Alumni Success at Historical Black Colleges and Universities and Traditional White Institutions.” Journal of IBFR, V2, N2 [2008].
- Maheshwari, S.K., ‘Optimizing Metal Cutting Cost by Integrating of Cost of Quality Using Taguchi’s Loss Function.” International Journal of Academy of Management Science. Volume 10, Number 1, [2007]
- Credle, Sid H., Maheshwari, Sharad K. and Angima, Jacob. “The Market Reaction to the Forgiveness of Deferred Taxes Due to the Repeal of the Domestic International Sales Corporation: Suggested Impact on Subsequent Export-Related Tax Incentives”; International Journal of Business Research, January V8, N2, [2007].
- Credle, Sid H., Maheshawari, Sharad K., and Pyatt, Edward. “A Comparison of Portfolio Performances of Random and Strategic Stock Selection Strategies”: The Hampton Roads Stock Picking Contest;” The International Journal of Business and Finance Research [2006]
- McLain, P. M. and Maheshwari, S. K., ‘Impact of Casino Gambling on the Personal Income and Employment’ Allied Academy’s Journal of Economic Research, V7, N2, [2006].
- Credle, Sid H., Beale, Ruby L., and Maheshwari, Sharad K. “Behavioral and Critical Thinking Skills Enhancement of Graduate Students Utilizing a Training and Competitive Chess Analysis Methodology. Published, the Review of Business Research. May [2005]
- Stretcher, R., Maheswari, S. and McLain M. “Stock Splits and Abnormal Returns in an Overactive Internet Market Segment.” Journal of Commercial Banking and Finance, V 1, No. 1, [2002.]
- Maheshwari, Sharad K., Askew, Robert, & Siegfeldt, Denise “Perceived Barriers of HUD Heads of Household To Home Ownership, With Implications For Federal Housing And Employment Policy, Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, Volume 1, N 1, [2000].
- Maheshwari, S. “Integration of Mathematical and Simulation Models For Operational Planning” Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, [1999.]
- Maheshwari S and Khator, S.K. “Reduction of Shop Locking In Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” International Journal of Information and Management Science, V1, N2 [1999].
- Maheshwari, S. and Zhao, Z.”Comparison of Quality Management Practices in India, China and Mexico: A Survey.” International Journal of Bench Marking for Quality and Technology Management, [1995]. V3.
- Maheshwari S, and Khator, S.K. “Simultaneous Evaluation of Strategies for Loading and Scheduling of Machines and Material Handling System in FMS.” Int. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, V8. [1995]
- Maheshwari, S and Khator S.K. “Estimation of Tool Requirement in FMS.” International Business School Computing Quarterly, Winter [1995].
- “Benchmarking for Quality Management Practices in India: A Survey.” International Journal of Bench Marking for Quality and Technology Management, 1994, V2, (with X. Zhao).
- “Concurrent Part Routing and Tool Allocation in FMS with Material Handling Considerations.” International Journal of Production Research, 1993, V31, (with L.C. Leung and W.A. Miller).
- “A New Approach to Parameter Selection: Integration of Quality.” Computers and IE, Vol. 21, No. 1-4, 1991, page # 57-62, (with V. Misra and N.K. Mehta).
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K. “Comparison of Regional and Urban Transit Bus Driver Distraction”. Proceedings of the 2014 Urban Transport Conf., Algarve, Portugal, 2014.
- D’Souza, K. A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Research framework for studying transit bus driver distraction. The Urban Transport 2013 Conf. Kos, Greece, May 29-31, 2013. Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Southampton, U.K.
- Maheshwari, S. K. & D’Souza, K. A. Cell Phone Use During Driving Should be Illegal. Daily Press, Local Voices, June 12, 2013. (Newspaper opinion page).
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A, Maheshwari Sharad K, and Zbigniew Banaszak (2012). Research Framework for Studying Driver Distraction on Polish City Highways. Workshop on Multimodal Networks Modeling and Design. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. 2012.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A., Maheshwari, Sharad K (2012) “Improving performance of public transit buses by minimizing driver distraction”. Proceedings of Conference on Urban Transportation, 2012. May 2012, A Coruña, Spain.
- Maheshwari, Sharad K. & D’Souza Kelwyn A. “Modeling and Predicting Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, VA.” Proceedings of the 2012 Allied Academies Conference, New Orleans, April 2012.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K. An Analysis of Transit Bus Driver Distraction Using Multinomial Logistic Regression Models. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum, Tampa, March 2012. www.trforum.org/forum/2012.
- Zapatero, E.G.; Maheshwari, S. K. & Chen, J. “Effectiveness of Active Learning Environment: Should Testing Methods be Modified?” Proceeding of the 2011 Fall Allied Academies Conference, Las Vegas, October, 2011.
- Maheshwari, Sharad, and D’Spouza, K.A. “Modeling Traffic Accidents at Signalized Intersections in the City of Norfolk, Virginia.” Proceeding of Allied Academies Conference, Orlando, April 2011.
- Kelwyn A. D’Souza and Sharad K. Maheshwari. “ Factors Influencing Performance in an Introductory Management Science Course. Proceeding of Allied Academies Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2009.
- Sharad K Maheshwari, Anne Pierce, and Enrique Zapatero, “Bridging Gap in Education and Research: Why Minority Students are not Selecting Graduate Technical Careers in Computer Science and Information Systems” [2008] Proceeding of Allied Academies Conference, Reno, NV, Oct 2008.
- Credle, Sid Howard, S. Maheshwari and Janelle Pridgen; “Best College and University Rankings Based on a School’s Alumni Success” Academic delivery Systems at Historical Black Colleges and Universities and Traditional White Institutions”; Proceedings of IBFR , May 2008, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Maheshwari, S and Credle, S. “Vehicle Use Policy, ROME, NASA Langley, Proceedings of Allied Academies, International Conference, Tunica. April 2008.
- Sharad Maheshwari and P. Michael McLain. “ABC Coatings” Proceedings of Allied Academies, International Conference, Reno. Oct 2007
- Credle, Sid Howard, S. Maheshwari and Janelle Pridgen; “Best College and University Rankings Based on a School’s Alumni Success” Academic delivery Systems at Historical Black Colleges and Universities and Traditional White Institutions”; Proceedings of NCORE 2007, San Francisco.
- Maheshwari, S and D’Souza, Kelwyn. “Intersection Traffic Accident Data Modeling And Analysis: Empirical Study in City of Norfolk, VA , Proceedings of Allied Academies April 2007.
- Selection of Accounting Software Tools For Small Businesses: Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach” Proceedings of Allied Academy’s, Oct 2006
- ‘Impact of Casino Gambling on the Personal Income and Employment’ Proceeding of 2005 Allied Academies Conference, Las Vegas. (with Phillips M. McLain.)
- ‘Optimizing Metal Cutting Cost by Integrating of Cost of Quality Using Taguchi s Loss Function.” Proceedings of 2005 Allied Academies Conference, Las Vegas.
- Maheshwari, Sharad; Davis, Judith; Pierce, Anne; Hill, Edward; Willis, Robert, and Zapatero, Enrique. “Planning For Project BRACE: Bridging Research and Curriculum Experience.” Meeting of National Science Foundation, September 2004.
- Behavioral and Critical Thinking Skills Enhancement Utilizing Chess Analysis Methodology, Proceedings of SE Decision Science Institute, Williamsburg, Feb 2003 (with Sid Credle and Ruby Beale)
- Integration of Quality Cost in the in Metal Cutting Operations Using Taguchi’s Loss function: An Experimental Analysis, SE Decision Science Institute, Williamsburg, Feb. 2003.
- Internet-Based Entrepreneurship Training For Minorities With Visual Disabilities, Proceedings of 2001 NAMER, Hot Spring, (with JoAnn Rolle, et al.)
- Developing Internet-Based Entrepreneurship Training For Minorities With Disabilities, Proceedings of 2000 Allied Academies, Maui (with JoAnn Rolle, et al.)
- “Integration of Mathematical and Simulation Models in the Operational Planning of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of 1999 Academy of Information and Management Science, April 1999.
- “Reduction of Shop Locking In Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of 1998 Academy of Information and Management Science, Oct. 1998, (with S.K. Khator).
- “Determination of Cost of Quality in Metal Cutting Operations Including Cost of Surface Roughness Using Taguchi’s Loss Function.” Proceedings of 1998 SE DSI, Feb. 1998. (With Xiande Zhao).
- “Quality of Business Education.” Proceedings of 1997 SE INFORMS October 1997. (With Xiande Zhao).
- “A Case Study–International Marketing Systems: A Case Study: Production and Marketing in A Small International Business, 1996.
- “Quality Management Practices in Egypt: A Survey.” Proceedings of 1996 SE INFORMS, October 1996. (With Essam ElDin ElNahrawy, Sayeed M. ElNassir and Edi ElNahrawy).
- “International Marketing Systems, A Case Study” 1996. Proceedings of 1996 SE INFORMS October 1996. (With Robert Askew).
- “Selecting Service Line Discipline for Cd-rom Stations Using Discrete Event Simulation: Case Study for Undergraduate POM Class.” 1995 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1995. (With Frank Edgecomb)
- “Selection of Software Tools For Business: Analytical Hierarchy Approach.” 1993 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1994.
- “Simulation of Tool Requirement in FMS.” Proceeding of the International Business School Computing Association Conference, Baltimore. July, 1993.
- “Quality Management Practices in India: A Survey.” Proceedings of 1993 Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November, 1993.
- “Procedure for Selection of Strategies for Loading and Controlling of Machine and Material Handling Systems in FMS.” Proceeding of 1992 SE TIMS, Myrtle Beach, October, 1992.
- “An FMS Planning Procedure with Material Handling Considerations.” Proceedings of 1991 International Industrial Engineering Conference, Detroit, May, 1991, (with L.C. Leung and W.A. Miller).
- “Optimal Location of a Mobile Robot.” Proceedings of 4th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, Boca Raton, Florida, May, 1991, (with A.J.G. Babu).
- “Parts Routing and Tools Allocation in an FMS with Automated Tool Delivery System.” Proceedings of PROCIEM 1990 Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 1990, (with O.G. Okogbaa).
- “Interactions of Dynamic Control Strategies in an FMS.” Proceedings of PROCIEM 1990 Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 1990, (with L.C. Leung and W.A. Miller
- Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Ms. Daiquiri Steele, 2015-
- Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Ms. Glenda Evan, 2014-
- Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Ms. Kim Scott. 2015-
- Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Tyechia Paul 2013-2014
- Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Ms. Davenport 2013-2015
- Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Ms. Rebecca Ashante
- Maheshwari, S. K.. & D’Souza, Kelwyn A. (2016) Report submitted to US Department of Transportation. “Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Simulator Experience on The Behavior Modification of Adult Drivers.” August 30, 2016.
- Maheshwari, S. K. (2016). Report submitted to US Department of Transportation. “Evaluation of A Texting-While-Driving Education Program Among Adult Drivers.” June, 2016.
- Maheshwari, S. K. & Mingzhou Jin (2016). Report submitted to US Department of Transportation. “Macro-level Intermodal Capacity Modeling”. June, 2016
- Maheshwari, S. K. & D’Souza, Kelwyn A. Report submitted to US Department of Transportation. “Impact of Education on Texting While Driving Among Young Drivers.” March 31, 2014.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Report Submitted to US Department of Transportation DOT “Regional Study of Bus Driver Operator Distraction in Commonwealth of Virginia” Oct 2013.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Report Submitted to Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission( PRTC) “Bus Driver Operator Distraction at PRTC” Sept 2013.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Report Submitted to Hampton Road Transit (HRT) “Bus Driver Operator Distraction at HRT” Aug 2013.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn A. & Maheshwari, S. K., Report Submitted to Hampton Road Transit “Pilot Study on Bus Operator Distraction at Hampton Roads Transit (HRT), Hampton, VA.” April 2012.
- Maheshwari, Sharad, and D’Spouza, K.A. “Final Technical Report, US Department of Transportation “Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportations Application Center (ESTEC) Safety: Traffic Accident Modeling,” Oct 2011.
- Maheshwari, Sharad, and D’Spouza, K.A. “Final Technical Report, US Department of Transportation “Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportations Application Center (ESTEC) Safety: Traffic Accident Modeling,” Sept 2010
- Maheshwari, S and Credle, S. “Vehicle Use Policy, ROME, NASA Langley, Hampton, Virginia. Technical Report [2007].
- Maheshwari, Sharad,Akrutu, Jale, Akrutu Atish, and Parmar, S. “Final Technical Report, US Department of Transportation “Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportations Application Center (ESTEC),” Sept 2006.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn, Maheshwari, Sharad,Akrutu, Jale, Akrutu Atish, and Parmar, S. “Final Technical Report, US Department of Transportation “Eastern Seaboard Intermodal Transportations Application Center (ESTEC),” Sept 2006.
- D’Souza, Kelwyn, Maheshwari, Sharad, and Makamson, Lee. “Final Technical Report, US Department of Transportation “Small Business Case Studies.” Sept 2004
- PI: Intermodal Freight Transportation Institute Member Proposal. US Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers grant,.$250,000 (Funded Dec 2016).
- PI: Assessing Impact of Driving Simulator Experience on Reduction of Cell-Phone Distraction among Adult Drivers. $153,000. Principal Investigator. Awarding agency: Mississippi State University Transportation Consortium (US DOT Grant). [2013].
- PI: Macro-level Intermodal Capacity Modeling, $102,000. Principal Investigator. Awarding agency: Mississippi State University Transportation Consortium (US DOT Grant). [2013].
- Associate Director: Interdisciplinary Transportation Education and Workforce Development Modules. $50,000 (ITEWDM). Awarding agency: Mississippi State University Transportation Consortium (US DOT Grant). [2012].
- Associate Director: Project Manager “Eastern Seaboard Multimodal Transportation Grant and Transportation Research Center” $2.65 Million. PI Kelwyn D’Souza. US Department of Transportation for (2007-2014)
- Project Lead “Development of Fleet Management Policy for NASA’s Building Management Contractors;” Funded $49,900 by ROME Corporation, Hampton, VA, July, [2007]
- Sid Howard Credle and Sharad Maheshwari , “Information System and Technology Programs Development at the Hampton University School of Business”; Funded $161,900 (in-Kind) by IBM Corporation/Executive Leadership Council, July, [2005]
- Sharad K Maheshwari (PI), Robert Willis, Judith Davis, Anne Pierce, Edward Hill, Jr “Planning for “Project BRACE: Bridging Research and Curriculum Experiences”. $50,000 (PI)) National Science Foundation, September 2004.
- Sharad K Maheshwari, Judith Davis, JoAnn Morse, Loretta Parham, “Instructional Technology Assistance Project” Southern Education Foundation, $6,000 [2004]
- Judith Davis, Sharad K Maheshwari, JoAnn Morse, Loretta Parham, “Instructional Technology Assistance Project” Southern Education Foundation, $5,000 [2003]
- Judith Davis, Sharad K Maheshwari, JoAnn Morse, Loretta Parham, “Instructional Technology Assistance Project” Southern Education Foundation, $7,000 [2002]
- PI: Multimodal Transportation Center for Safe Autonomous Vehicles and Environmental Sustainability (MTC-SAVES)–Member Proposal. US Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers grant, $1.5 million (Submitted May 2016, rejected by US DOT).
- “Identifying Data Sources and Related Markers of STEM Success.” Submitted to National Science Foundation, July 15, 2011. $491,364 (PI Sharad Maheshwari, Co-PIs–Drs. Pierce and McGhee).
- “Information System Development and Informat
Ms. Sheila Dennis
Administrative Assistant, Business Administration
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 120
Dr. Glenda M Evans
Associate Professor, Business Administration Dept.
Location: On Professional Leave
Business Administration
Doctor of Philosophy – All But Dissertation. Expected Graduation December 2015. Finance and Accounting. Hampton University.
Master of Accountancy. 2010. University of Phoenix.
Bachelor of Science. 2009. Business Administration with a Concentration of Accounting. University of Phoenix.
ECO 201 – Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 – Principles of Microeconomics
MBA 201 – Financial Accounting
MBA 203 – Managerial Accounting
Publications in refereed journals
Evans, Glenda M. and McLain, P. Michael. “Issues Regarding Flat Tax Plans: Introducing the Evans’ Plan.” Published. The Journal of Business and Finance Research. Volume 4, Issue 2. (2014).
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
Participant in Public Policy and Economic Freedom Colloquia, co-sponsored by Liberty Fund, Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation. February (2015). Honorarium received.
Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society – Lifetime Membership
Covington’s Who’s Who – Lifetime Membership
Writing Across the Curriculum Award Winner
Dr. Lester Reid
Assistant Professor, Business Administration
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 203
I. Current Rank
Full Professor – Graduate Faculty
II. Department
Business Administration
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Doctor of Philosophy, 1977, Marketing,Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Dissertation Title: Empirical Analyses of Price Completion for Frequently Purchased Branded Goods: Drug and Grocery Products Minor: Management Science
Masters Degree:
Master of Business Administration, February 1972, Columbia University, New York, NY
Master in Mathematical Statistics, February 1971, Columbia University, New York, NY
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, June 1969, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
IV. Courses Taught:
Marketing Management
International Marketing
Global Marketing
Marketing Research
Marketing Models
Marketing of New Ideas
Advertising Management
Sales Management
Channels of Distribution
Principles of Marketing
Comparative Management Systems: Latin America and the Caribbean
Comparative Management Systems: Southeast Asia, India and Nepal
Marketing in the Travel Industry: Mexico
Marketing in France
Commodity Marketing
Industrial Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Financial Management
Systems Analysis
Business Statistics
Quantitative Methods
Information Systems & Design
Management Theory
World Cultures
Other Business Courses
V. Intellectual Contributions
Referred Journal Publications
Coronel, F., Beale, R. L. & Borsay, T. Opportunities for Economies of Scope: Focus on African American and Hispanic Markets. Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Economics, Volume III, Number 1, 2007
VI. Professional Organizations
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, IOM Member and RR
The Chicago Board of Trade, RCR
American Marketing Association Member
Prof. Andrew Cohen
Visiting Professor, Business Administration
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-B
Dr. Yan Jin
Assistant Professor, Business Administration
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-D
Dr. Vahwere Kavota
Chair & Assistant Professor, Marketing Dept.
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 111
I. Current Rank
Instructor – Undergraduate
II. Department
III. Education
Doctoral Degree(in process):
Enrolled in the Doctoral Program, Business Administration, 2008, University of Phoenix
Masters Degree:
Master of Business Administration (MBA), 1994, Business Administration, Hampton University
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Science, 1985, University of Zaire (DROC), Commerce and Trade, Minor: Finance
License in French from the Virginia Department of Education
IV. Courses Taught:
Hampton University, Undergraduate
MKT 305 Principles of Marketing
MKT 311 Consumer Behavior
MKT 328 Sales Management
MKT 360 Internship/Coop.
MKT 411 International Marketing
MKT 495 Marketing Research
V. Intellectual Contributions
Publication In Refereed Journals
Faculty and Administrators’ Perception of Students’ Evaluation of Faculty in Higher Education Business Schools. Published in the Journal of College Teaching and Learning of Higher Education vol. 3, number 8, August 2006.
VI. Professional Organizations
Knights of Columbus (2003 – present)
Hampton University Alumni Association (1994 – present)
Ms. Coretha Sherrill
Administrative Assistant, Marketing
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 115
Dr. Shontae Taylor
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Location: Science and Technology Bldg. 301-C
Dr. Stevie Watson
Associate Professor, Marketing
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 214-C
Dr. Karen Denise Maxwell
Chair & Associate Professor, Management Dept.
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 110
I. Current Rank
Associate Professor
II. Department
III. Education
Doctoral Degree:
Doctor of Philosophy, 2015, Health Services, Walden University
Dissertation Title: “Technology as a Health Intervention and the Self-Efficacy of Men”
Masters Degree:
Master of Business Administration, Concentration Marketing, Long Island University
Baccalaureate Degree:
Bachelor of Science, Marketing, Rutgers University
IV. Courses Taught
MGT 300 Business Research
MGT 323 Management Information Systems
MGT 416 Technology & Innovation
MGT 444 Special Topics in Business
MGT 400 Organizational Behavior
V. Intellectual Contributions
Maxwell, K. (2018) The Role of Self-Efficacy and Technology Upon the Participation of Men in Healthy Lifestyle Behavior. George Mason Entrepreneurship Research Conference – Abstract Presentation Washington D.C
Maxwell, K. (2018) The Role of Self-Efficacy and Technology Upon the Participation of Men in Healthy Lifestyle Behavior. Washington Business Research Forum (Howard University) – Abstract Presentation Washington D.C.
Maxwell, K. (2015) Technology as a Health a Health Intervention and the Self-Efficacy of Men. Research Symposium Walden University – Research Poster Presentation, National Harbor, Maryland
Maxwell, K. D., & Gerrior, S. (2017) Can the use of Internet applications increase the participation of men in healthy lifestyle behavior? Archives of Business Research. doi:10.14738/abr.512.3940
Maxwell, K. D. (2015) Technology as a health intervention and the self-efficacy of men. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing.
Simon, D., Jackson, K., & Maxwell, K. D. (2013). Traditional versus online instruction: Faculty resources impact strategies for course delivery. Business Education & Accreditation, 5, 107-116.
VI. Non-Academic Experience
AT&T, Norfolk, VA [2000 – 2009] Sales Director Norfolk, VA Supervised a team of Client Business Managers and Sales Executives to manage a $36,000,000 client base consisting of complex IT services. Maintained CXO relationships, participated in contract negotiations. Supervised the RFP process. Exceeded revenue growth objectives.
AT&T, Norfolk, VA [1997 – 2000] Data Network Account Manager Virginia Beach, VA Designed network data transport applications. Coordinated and completed RFPs. Exceeded monthly new sale and revenue growth objectives.
Sprint, Paramus, NJ & Virginia Beach, VA [1990-1997] Technical Consultant Designed and implemented data transport networks such as the National Security Emergency Preparedness Program.
Port Authority of NY & NJ, New York, NY [1986 – 1988] Telecommunications Analyst Management of the World Trade Center and JFK voice and data telecommunication services.
Verizon, Princeton, NJ [1984 – 1986] Account Manager Performance of needs assessments. Developed and presented RFPs. Exceeded monthly sales objectives.
VII. Service
Co-Chair SALT (Strategic Administrative Leadership Training) Planning Committee
Chairperson of Committee on Committee 2017-2019
Committee on Committees member 2016-2017
Improve Coordinator of University Student Assessment 2017-Present
Improve Student Assessment Facilitators committee member 2013-Present
Improve Dean’s Representative 2016-Present
Spring Educational Staff Institute Session Presenter 2017
Chairperson of the School of Business Search Committee 2018-Present
School of Business Strategic Planning Committee member 2017-Present
Strategic Administrative Leadership Training (SALT) Planning Committee member 2018, 2019
Honors College Senior Capstone Committee member 2016 & 2018
Hampton University Annual Planning Committee member 2016-2017
Board Relationships Committee member 2013-2016
APHA (American Public Health) Abstract Reviewer
Judge for the 26th Annual Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair
National Sales Network (NSN) Student Conference Panel Moderator
VSTE (Virginia Society for Technology in Education)
VIII. Commendation
Edward L. Hamm Distinguished Teaching Award 2019
Hampton University Academic Excellent Award 2018
AT&T Gold Club Outstanding Performance 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 1999 & 1998
AT&T Achievers Club Achievement over 100% of Objective 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003,
Ms. Phyllis Lightfoot
Administrative Assistant, Management Dept.
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 114
Dr. Mary Graham-Mundy
Assistant Professor, Management
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-A
Dr. Juritsa Ford
Assistant Professor, Management
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-E
Dr. DeShea’ Simon
Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-G
Dr. Nizam Najd
Assistant Professor, Management
Location: Ethel Buckman Hall 121-F