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Peabody Special Collections


The Peabody Collection is a Collection of books and other materials in all subject areas regarding the African Diaspora. The collection includes literature/ by about African Americans, and those of African descent with emphasis placed on historical events and experiences. With materials individualizing African American history from Slavery to the Presidential Election of 2008, the collection shows its distinctiveness. African American history matters because it provides our identities, our structures and our relationships.” These are invaluable resources of which Harvey Library is dedicated to conserving for future generations of researches.

Hampton University Memorabilia

The Hampton University Memorabilia is a collection of donated materials from HU faculty, staff and alumni. The collection consists of yearbooks, annual reports, catalogs, school newspaper and other memorabilia.

Rare Books

The collection dates back to the 17th century and is comprised of books of any subject. The unique materials of the Rare Book Collection are books and pamphlets.

Restricted Books

The restricted books are a comprehensive collection of popular Black literature which contributes to the conservation of Black popular publishing.

Collection Development Policy

Materials are placed in the Peabody area in order to preserve their use for research. These materials require special storage handling and security.

The collection is broken into three separate groups: Our Featured Collections, Manuscript Collections and Rare Books.


The Peabody collection is a distinctive collection of books and other materials in all subject areas by and about African Americans and other people of African descent throughout the world. Special emphases are placed on African American history, civil rights movements in the United States, literature by African American authors and pamphlets by authors on slavery, emancipation and the African American experience in
the United States. The collection contains more than 30,000 items by and about African Americans. This includes about 21,300 monographs, 1,200 anti-slavery pamphlets, vertical file materials, and other documents on slavery and the Reconstruction period in the United States. Some of these collections may not show their “specialness” for years to come, but the library is preserving them for future generations of researchers.

The Peabody Collection is one of the oldest African American library collections in the country. In 1905, George Foster Peabody obtained 1,400 books and pamphlets on the Negro and slavery from bibliophile Tucker A. Malone and lent them to the Collis P. Huntington Memorial Library, the former main university library. In 1908, this loan was converted into a gift. Six years later, the library of Dr. Phil Broome Brooks, a black physician in Washington, D. C., was purchased. In subsequent years, other collections were added, including materials on Native American culture. Many people have enriched the Peabody Collection through contributions throughout the years.

Polices & Procedures

Materials are placed in the Peabody area in order to preserve their use for research. These materials require special storage, handling, and security. We request that you participate in the preservation of the collection by adhering to the following procedures:

  • Material from the collection do not circulate and must be consulted in the room.
  • All researchers must present photo identification and fill out a Research Material Request Form for the items they wish to use. The photo ID will be kept with the form.
  • Researchers must provide call number/volume number, and title of items of interest to the service desk.
  • All materials housed in the Peabody Collection are to remain within the designated area. At no time are materials allowed out of the research area.
  • Peabody material must be handled with great care. The fragile condition and irreplaceable nature of many books and other materials make it necessary for the library to restrict access. USE PENCIL ONLY. Do not make any marks on the materials, and do not open uncut pages. No books, papers, or other objects may be laid on the materials. Certain materials, may require readers to wear white cotton gloves.
  • When you have finished using material, please return it to the desk and wait until the materials has been checked in and your ID is returned.
  • No food, drink, tobacco or gum is allowed in Peabody.
  • As the capacity of the room is limited, the Peabody Collection Room is reserved only for the use of materials that are housed in this room. It is not to be used as a reading room for other materials.
  • Researchers locate Peabody materials through a variety of finding aids. The premiere place to start is with HUWebCat. Researchers should Ask- a-Librarian on the first floor for assistance with books and the Peabody Librarian for other items needed.
  • Peabody will permit a reasonable amount of photocopying from its collection, but reserves the right to restrict copying from any of its collections and to deny requests for copies. Copies are $.10 a copy and you can load your Pirate Power card downstairs on the first floor in the copy room beside Circulation. If you are a guest, you can purchase a copy card for $2 and then load your card with the desired amount.
Our Collections

Rare Book and Manuscript Collection

African American Cookbook Collection

The collection features cookbooks by African Americans, which spans from the 1920s to the twenty-first century, has books that trace the history, heritage, and distinct flavors of African American cooking. The cookbooks strengthen the Peabody holdings in African American history and culture. Cookbooks have received scholarly attention and interpretation as literary texts making the collection a significant addition to the Library’s resources. Culinary texts yield far more than recipes when closely scrutinized. A Book of Recipes for the Cooking School written by Carrie Alberta Lyford, director of the Home Economics School at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute and Carolyn Quick Tillery’s, A Taste of Freedom: a cookbook with recipes and remembrances from the Hampton Institute are culinary texts that are written from the point of view of a community and have much to say about ethnic identity, family and community life, social history, the roles of women and men, values, religion, and economics.

2008 Presidential Election Collection

The 2008 Presidential election Collection, currently comprises some 1500 items. Barack Obama’s election to the U. S. Presidency in November 2008 inspired a flood of books for adult and juvenile readers alike. It continues to grow as both popular and scholarly publishing on Obama and the other candidates, their campaigns, and voting patterns shows no sign of abating. The materials are collected comprehensively and include monographs, serials, ephemera, artifacts, and media relating to all aspects of the historic campaigns for the White House.

Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection

An unsurpassed collection of slave literature from 1705 to the late 1880s, includes campaign literature, abolitionist literature, slave narratives, children’s literature, congressional speeches, sermons, letters, organizational proceedings, tracts, and previously published materials from journals and magazines. Authors of note include Wendell Phillips, W.E. B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, John Jam, and Andrew Johnson.

Ebony Brass Paperback Collection

A 60s paperback collection donated to Hampton Institute by Lt. Col Jesse J. Johnson who graduated from the Hampton Institute in 1964.

Hampton University Newspaper Clipping File

The HU Clippings file contains 55,000 clippings from nearly 100 Black Newspapers. These clippings provide a unique journalistic record of black, political, economic and
cultural life in the early twentieth century, particularly the rural south. The Clippings file was created from 500 scrapbooks spanning from 1880 to the 1920s.

The Joe Jordan Ragtime Jazz and Entrepreneurship Collection

Joe Jordan was a world-famous composer, musician, and real estate entrepreneur who, during the course of his long and productive life, helped to bring about several important changes in the entertainment world, and witnessed many more. The collection contains more than 600 items, including original manuscripts/private papers, sheet music, engraving plates, photographs and books. Gift made possible by Kimi Rabun, granddaughter of the late Joe Jordan and the mother of two HU graduates.

Donated Collections

John Gunther African Book Collection

The late John Gunther, one of America’s most distinguished journalists, was famous for his series of Inside books, which detailed profiles of their respective countries and continents. His 1955 publication Inside Africa featured an in-depth look at the continent. Gunther used the 349 books, pamphlets, and maps donated for research to write this book. The collection was donated because Jane Gunther, the author’s widow, wanted to see the material preserved at a university that was interested in African history.

Kennell Jackson Book Collection

Dr. Jackson earned a bachelor’s degree from Hampton Institute and was a distinguished professor of African history. He attended segregated schools in Prince Edward County, where petitions by black families for equal education would eventually be included in the historic Brown vs. Board of Education case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954. Jackson amassed an eclectic collection of art and books, memorabilia and mementos. To Hampton University he gave two gifts and one bequest of scholarly works (mostly about East African and African American topics, and rare fiction by African American authors).

Southern Workman

Samuel Chapman Armstrong founded the Southern Workman in 1872. It contains reports from the African American and Native Americans populations, with picture of
reservation and plantation life as well as information concerning the life and history of Hampton University, the City of Hampton, and African American life in the South. Additionally, the Southern Workman provided a forum for the discussion of the “race” problem.

Featured Clip

SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME is a 90 minute documentary that challenges one of America’s most cherished assumptions: the belief that slavery in this country ended with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.


  1. What is The Peabody Collection?
    The Peabody Collection is a distinctive group of African American resources housed in the William R. and Norma B. Harvey Library, 3rd floor.
  2. Can I utilize the room as a study room?
    The Peabody Collection is a room dedicated to scholars who want to engage in research with items located in the collection. There are study rooms and individual carols located on the second, third, and fourth floor of the library for student and patron use.
  3. Is the Peabody Room the University Archives?
    No. The Peabody Collection does have selected Hampton University memorabilia. The University Archives is located in the Huntington Building as part of the University Museum. For further information you can contact the Archives at 757.727.5374.
  4. Can the material in the Peabody Room be checked out?
    No. The material in the Peabody Collection is restricted and must be used in the room only. The reasoning behind “in-room use on;y” is to preserve the legacy of the African American experience for future generations.

The Harvey Library print Reference Collection is located on the 1st floor. It is a comprehensive collection containing over 12,000 volumes, providing reference resources for all disciplines taught at Hampton University.

The current plan for this collection is to include as many online reference resources as feasible, in order to enhance remote access to the collection. Online reference resources are available through the Harvey Library Reference Resources web page, the Online CatalogResearch Guides, and SUMMON.

Reference books do not circulate and must be used on the 1st floor of the library.


Harvey Library’s Juvenile Collection is a selection of books written at reading levels from beginner through young-adult. This collection is intended for the use of students and faculty in Hampton University’s Department of Education. In building this collection, an emphasis has been placed on cultural diversity.

The collection includes both fiction and nonfiction and offers many Newberry, Caldecott, Coretta Scott King, and other award winners. The presence of older as well as newer books in the collection makes possible diachronic studies of children’s literature.

The Juvenile Collection is located on the second floor of the Harvey Library. Its contents are arranged using the Library of Congress classification system.

Government Documents

Government publications that are part of Selective Depository documents in our collection are searchable through the Online Catalog (HUWebCat), the library’s online catalog. They are arranged by Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number and organized in order by issuing agency. Click on SuDoc Classification to access a guide on using this system.


The Harvey Library has purchased thousands of E-books for the Hampton University community

  • These are primarily scholarly books, rather than books for leisure reading
  • Use SUMMON or the classic catalog to find most E-books
  • Use your HU INFOTECH account for off-campus access to these materials
Streaming Resources

The Harvey Library makes available three Streaming Services to students, faculty and staff.

Print Periodicals

The 2nd floor  houses a legacy collection (from 1840-2010) of bound journals and magazines; African American-related periodicals are kept in the Peabody Collection on the 3rd floor.

The Harvey Library no longer subscribes to print periodicals with the exception of African American-related periodicals and a few Architecture titles.

E-Journal Finder

Are you looking for a specific journal or article?
Use E-journal finder to discover

  • Whether a particular journal is included in any of HU’s database subscriptions
  • Which journal issues/dates are available in full text online

Search results may link directly to the E-journal or to a database search page.

E-Journal Finder



The Microforms are

  • Housed in purple cabinets on the 2nd Floor
  • Printed or graphic material reproduced, photographically, in miniaturized form
  • Microfilm on 35mm film reels
  • Microfiche (a photographic format that stores 98 pages of an original on a 4″x6″ sheet of film)

The Harvey Library’s microform collection includes

  • The New York Times from 1851
  • The Daily Press from 1888
  • The ERIC collection (a 400,000+ collection of educational reports)
  • Thousands of peer-reviewed journals and magazines from the 1980’s and 1990’s
  • Many Government Documents

Materials cannot be removed from the library. Reader/printers in the department allow patrons to read and print from microforms, and scanners will allow microforms to be printed, saved, or emailed. African American-related microforms are kept in the Peabody Collection on the 3rd floor.