University Relations
The Office of University Relations is the first point of contact for media outlets. Each year University relations issues dozens of press releases, media advisories and tip sheets reporting university accomplishments, including grants received, new academic programs, conferences and upcoming events and other faculty and student achievements, University Relations also regularly contacts local and regional media representatives about feature stories on campus.
Areas of responsibility include:
Press Conferences and Media Interviews
Press conferences represent one way to handle a major announcement of interest to several reporters. These announcements often relate to major donations to the University, represent a significant change in policy, procedure or administration or serve as a medium by which the University President may make a statement to a variety of reporters at one time.
Responses to Reporters
University Relations staff members frequently receive media queries looking for campus experts to comment on a variety of subjects. The staff arranges media interviews and photographs with University staff and faculty.
Speakers Bureau
University Relations staff members frequently receive queries from the community looking for faculty and staff experts to speak on a variety of subjects. The staff arranges the speaking engagements.
Internal Communications
If you have a story idea, contact the Office of University Relations.
Production of Publications
Voice: 757.727.5253
Fax: 757.728.6941