MBA- Two-Year Track Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Two-Year Graduate MBA Program
BUSINESS IS CHANGING at an unprecedented rate: moving rapidly to global markets, to network organizations revolutionized by information and communication technology, and activist corporate governance. To succeed, companies of all sizes must be innovative, entrepreneurial, global in their orientation, and focused on exceeding customer expectations. The Hampton University Master of Business Administration Program is designed to prepare students to meet these challenges.
At Hampton University, innovation and continuous improvement are the philosophies that mandate constant evaluation of the curriculum. Hampton is not so much seeking an ideal model as an ideal process of ongoing appraisal and refinement to provide students with a vehicle for understanding and learning the dynamism of global business. The Hampton University M.B.A. Program offers students a flexible plan of instruction that augments traditional learning.
The MBA Program offers students the opportunity to pursue the Master of Business Administration degree in 36 academic credit hours while maintaining full time employment. The curriculum provides a general management emphasis, which encompasses both the basic disciplines that underlie management and the operational areas specific to business, integrating theoretical concepts with practical business applications. The courses provide an understanding of the components of managerial decision-making and provide students with a perspective on the role of business as an economic, political, and social institution. The overall goal of the program is to prepare leaders and scholars who will assume pivotal roles in academic and business organizations.
Further details are provided in the Graduate College section of this catalog.