Pilot Project Program
Dear Colleagues:
Hampton University’s Regional Transdiciplinary Collaborative Center: Minority Men’s Health Initiative (HU-TCC:MMHI) plays a pivotal role in expanding the pool of Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) faculty members actively participating in research, training, education, and outreach in high-priority men’s health disparities. The MMHI Pilot Project Program encourages faculty at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in HHS Regions 3 and 4 to pursue transdisciplinary collaborative health disparity research aimed at reducing the burden of cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and violence in male populations. Our Pilot Project Program awards are intended to strengthen the research foci of the initial Research Sub-Projects and diversify the disciplines/processes/approaches being employed by MMHI researchers to examine these research foci, thus further cultivating transdisciplinary health disparity research collaborations. Moreover, the Pilot Project Program supports inter-institutional research collaborations among health disparity researchers at MSIs. Our goal is to greatly expand the number of partnering MSI-based researchers contributing to the reduction and/or elimination of health disparities in male populations, thus further advancing the mission of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).
The Pilot Project Program consists of two components: the Pilot Project Awards and the Seed Project Awards. The Pilot Project Awards ($250,000 over two years) are intended to support large scale projects that will lead to a major product within the two- year funding period. In contrast, the Seed Project Awards ($40,000 over one year) are intended to catalyze small scale projects with the potential to significantly impact the mission of the MMHI and the NIMHD. These Pilot Project Program awards are intended to strengthen MSI-based New Investigators to be able to effectively compete for further NIH or other extramural funding.
The Pilot Project Program plans to release additional Request for Applications (RFA) in the winter of 2016 and 2017 subject to the availability of funding from the NIMHD. For additional information please contact Cheryl Gray Evans, MMHI Project Manager (mmhi- info@hamptonu.edu; 757-728-6030).
Raymond E. Samuel, MD, PhD
MMHI Contact Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Assistant Dean for Research, School of Engineering & Technology
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
Funding for the Minority Men’s Health Initiative is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) of the NIH,
award number U54MD008621-01.