We extend our heartfelt acknowledgements to the generous donors who have supported Osher’s fundraising initiatives.
While the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Hampton University has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing, we would appreciate you notifying Osher of any errors or omissions by contacting Ms. Alisha Foster,
- Alease Gant
- Alice Capehart
- Aravia Johnson
- Artis & Dorothy Croslin
- Bettye Sellman
- Brenda & Clifton Collins
- Carolyn Porter
- Cassandra Agard
- Catherine Howard
- Charlene Tate-Nichols
- Daphne Jackson
- Deborah Moses
- Donna Rankin
- Dr. Aresta Johnson​
- Dr. Joan Wickham
- Edward Carpenter
- Edna & Richard Coleman
- Elemuel Watts
- Emma Vinson-Brown
- Ethel Morgan
- Evelyn Golden
- Evelyn Perry
- Frank & Celestine Batts
- Felicia Blowe
- Felicia Huntley
- Geraldine Foster
- Hilda Williamson
- James Harris
- Janet Brooks
- Jayne Coleman
- Jewel Long
- Karen Barrett
- Keith & Almeria Grant
- Linda Shields
- Lloyd Boxley
- Melvin Hill
- Meta Hoyt
- Micheal Williams-Hickman
- Monty Taylor
- Nancy Christian
- Norma Sellman
- Paula & Robert Perry
- Phyllis Porter
- Regina Jones
- Rumell Whitney
- Sharon Callahan
- Sheree Hammond
- Sherrill Banks-Wiley
- Sheryl Jackson
- Stephanie Cuffee
- Theresa Miles
- Thomasina Williams
- Thomas Whitney
- Theora Rankin
- Valerie Price
- Venessa Harris
Veronica Long
Virginia Owens - Wanda Cooke
- William & Dorothy Richmond