About the Freddye T. Davy Honors College

The Honors College was established by Dr. Freddye T. Davy in 1995. Since its inception, the Honors College has earned the respect of the entire campus community. The Freddye T. Davy Honors College is designed for students who possess a seriousness of academic purpose and a desire to be active rather than passive learners, who have an intellectual curiosity that supersedes an obsession with grades, who seek success rather than avoid failure, and who have the courage to demonstrate superior, ethical leadership in their chosen field. Honors College includes an innovative curriculum, individualized advising and support services, and opportunities to enhance the undergraduate experience.
Applications for the Honors College are taken during the Spring semester. Applicants must have a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA. Ideally, students apply during the 2nd semester of their Freshman year.
To be recognized as a Freddye T. Davy Honors College graduate, Honors College members must complete the following:
-12 hours of Honors credit in General Education courses
-12 hours of Honors credit in the major courses
-COM 323 Argumentation and Debate or PHI 201 Logic
-PHI 323 Ethics
-Four UNV seminars (UNV 200, 290, 300, and 390)
-UNV 400 Senior Capstone
-Complete 150 hours of community service
-Serve on one Honors College committee per academic year
-Attend one Honors Conference
-Attend two Honors College Retreats
-Apply for at least one prestigious scholarship
-Take the appropriate admissions exam for graduate or professional study
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