Library Hours: Monday – Thursday 8 am – 1 am | Friday 8 am – 5 pm | Saturday 9 am – 5 pm | Sunday 2 pm – 1 am
New Authentication Method for Database Access
The Authentication Process Must Be Completed Using an Active Cellphone
To login to the library databases, you must set up your Microsoft 365 account if you have not done so.
Please click the link below to create your profile.
Please complete library orientation using this link:
Cataloging (3rd Floor)
(757) 727-5183
Circulation Desk (1st Floor)
(757) 727-5372
Director of Library (1st Floor)
(757) 727-5388
Government Documents (1st Floor)
(757) 727-5105
Interlibrary Loan (1st Floor)
(757) 727-5186
Peabody Service Desk (3rd Floor)
(757) 727-5376
Periodicals/DVD/Oversize Books
Service Desk (2nd Floor)
(757) 727-5373
Preservation Office
(3rd Floor)
(757) 727-5553
Reference Desk
(1st Floor)
(757) 728-6637
Academic Technology Mall (ATM)
(757) 728-6931
Music Library, Department of Music
Armstrong Hall, Dett Wing
Eric Reif, DMA
(757) 727-5411
Architecture Library, Department of Architecture
Bemis Laboratory, Room 208
(757) 727-5443
University Museum
Dr. Vanessa Thaxton-Ward, Director
(757) 727-5308
University Archives
Donzella Maupin, Manager
(757) 727-5062