Q: Who can attend the Pre-College Program?
A: The 2023 Pre-College Summer Program is comprised of four student programs; the pre-college program, summer bridge program, rising senior program and summer only program.
Pre-College – This program is for students who are admitted and plan to enroll at Hampton University in the fall. In addition to English and math, Pre-College students are permitted to enroll in one additional course.
Summer Bridge – This program is for students who are provisionally admitted to Hampton University pending successful completion of this program. These students are required to take two (2) courses, English and math, and earn a 2.5 GPA by the end of the program.
Rising Senior – This program is exclusively for high school students who will be entering their senior year in the fall of 2023. These students may enroll in a maximum of two courses: history, oral communications, or a social science. A 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average is required for participation in this program.
Summer Only – This program is exclusively for graduating high school seniors who have not applied to Hampton University and plan to attend another university in the fall of 2023.These students may enroll in a maximum of two courses: history, oral communications, or a social science.
Q: Do students need to submit more than one document to participate in this program?
A: A Pre-College/Summer Bridge enrollment form is needed for all program participants. Depending on your program of choice, you may need to submit supplemental documentation with your Pre-College/Summer Bridge enrollment form. The documents needed for participation in each program are documented below. (All forms can be found on the pre-college webpage in your program’s application packet.)
Pre-College/Summer Bridge – A Pre-College/Summer Bridge enrollment form.
Rising Senior – A Pre-College/Summer Bridge enrollment form, $50 summer session application, high school transcript, two letters of recommendation, and a complete medical form. These students must have a minimum 3.0 high school grade point average to be considered for participation.
Summer Only – A Pre-College/Summer Bridge enrollment form, $50 summer session application, high school transcript, college acceptance letter to another institution.
Q: How much does the Pre-College Program cost and when is the money due?
A: The cost for the 2023 program is $2,500.00**. This cost includes tuition as well as room and board. There is a $500 deposit which is due Saturday, April 1, 2023. The remaining $2,000 will be due on May 1, 2023
**Cost is subject to change.
Q: What is the difference between the Pre-College and Summer Bridge?
A: Summer Bridge is a division of the Pre-College Program. Students who attend Summer Bridge do so because they are trying to earn acceptance into the University. Only students who have conditional acceptance are considered Summer Bridge. Their description and requirements are as follows:
Summer Bridge – (by invitation only) students who are admitted to Hampton University pending successful completion of the program are required to take two (2) courses, specifically Math and English unless otherwise instructed, and earn a cumulative average of 2.5 or higher by the end of the program. Depending on the student’s placement, he/she may be instructed to take three (3) courses. Summer Bridge students must submit a Pre-College Enrollment Form and Deposit only.
Q: Do all students need to submit medical documentation?
A: YES! All students must have a current physical examination and immunization record on file with Student Health Center by May 1, 2023. Please be advised that the meningitis vaccination is a mandatory health requirement for admission to this university. In addition, a parental signature is required on the form if the student is under eighteen (18) years of age. Your compliance with all health requirements must be met in accordance with state law.
Please Note: Medical clearance is required through the Med+Proctor electronic process for all program participants. All medical form must be uploaded to Med+Proctor before May 1, 2023.
Q: How are students placed in their courses?
A: Students will be placed in the appropriate courses based upon their grade point average (GPA), SAT and/or ACT test scores, and high school transcript. Students required to take additional tests for placement will receive notification from the department of Testing Services the day of Registration. Summer Bridge students will not be placed in more than two classes unless placement results indicate deficiencies in Math, Reading, or English. Deficiencies in all three areas will require the student to enroll in EDU 295. These students are accepted to Hampton University only on the condition that they complete the course work with a GPA of 2.5 or better, and S (Satisfactory) in developmental courses with S/U (Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory) designations.
Pre-College students may take a minimum of two courses or a maximum of three courses.
Q: What is the difference between degree credited courses and non-degree credited courses?
A: If a student is placed in freshman entry-level courses, he or she may receive 6 to 9 hours of college credit. If a student’s evaluation indicates a need for development in skills like English, Reading or Math, he/she will be placed in 100 level preparatory courses. Courses at the 100 level are non-degree credit courses. These courses will prepare the student for college level course work, but they will not be counted toward the amount of credits the student needs to graduate.
Q: How often do classes meet and how long do they last?
A: Classes meet every day, no matter how many courses the student is taking. Each class period is scheduled to be one hour and forty-five minutes in length.
Q: Will the credits earned during the summer go towards a transcript?
A: Yes! It is very important that the student knows and understands that these grades will become a part of a permanent file. They will have established an official Hampton University transcript by the end of the summer.
Q: What should a student bring to the Pre-College Program?
A: Students should feel free to bring any of the following items listed below. Please make sure to take note of the items that are not allowed on University property:
Clothes: Seasonally appropriate casual clothing, business/business casual attire, proper footwear. Business attire is mandatory for class presentations and the closing banquet ceremony.
Academic and Personal Items: Notebooks, pens, pencils, daily planner, laptop, headset, personal prescriptions, laundry needs, good supply of toiletries, towels, linen for (twin XL) and pillow, shower shoes, rain wear, face masks, and a lock box.
Prohibited Items: Due to safety concerns Hampton University prohibits the possession of firearms, knives, and other weapons, firearms, fireworks or incendiary devices (BB Guns, Water guns, other devices that fire or discharge projectiles, candles, incense, etc.), alcohol and other illegal drugs, beedies, spice, bath salts, synthetic marijuana, Vape Pens, and other look-a-like drug substances, laser pointers, electric coolers, portable air conditioners, microwaves, toaster ovens, hot plates, personal grills or George Forman type grills, cooking appliances of any kind, automobiles, and pets.
Q: Is there an add or drop period during the Pre-College Program?
A: Yes! This period is at the end of the first week of Pre-College where students must receive approval by the program director to add or drop a class. Summer Bridge students must take two courses (Math and English) to fulfill the provision requirements, however Pre-College students may take up to three courses.
Q: In addition to the student’s tuition/room and board, will there be any additional fees?
A: Yes! In addition to any personal money the student may need, please be informed of two additional costs. The following fees are approximated:
**Textbooks – $300.00
Busch Gardens Amusement Park Ticket– $40.00
**Cost is subject to change.
Q: Does financial aid cover the Pre-College/Summer Bridge program?
A: No. The Pre-College/Summer Bridge program is not a requirement for education, essentially it is a summer program and it’s an expense that must be covered by the program participant.
Q: Is there a payment plan available for the program?
A: No. There is not an official payment plan for the program. Parents/Guardians can build upon the initial payment; however, the payment must be paid in full by the due date.
Q: Is there a meal plan?
A: The meal plan is covered by the tuition, which is $2,500.00**
Q: Will program participants receive a roommate?
A: Yes, all program participants will receive a roommate.
Q: Is the Pre-College $500 deposit the same as the $600 deposit from the admissions department? (For participants attended Hampton University in the Fall)
A: No. The $500 non-refundable deposit is for the Pre-College summer session only. There is an additional $600 deposit for participant attending Hampton University in the Fall semester.
Q: Are students permitted to leave campus during the program?
A: Yes, students are permitted to leave campus during the program. The program authorizes up to two weekend visits home, in case of emergencies, with prior approval from the Program Director. Overnight visitation is not permitted. Students will not be permitted to miss more than two days of class.
Q: Can participants arrive late to the program?
A: Program participants may be permitted to arrive late to the program, pending extenuating circumstances, with prior approval from the Program Director.
Q: Can items be left in the residence halls for participants attending Hampton University in the fall?
A: No. All items of the program participants must be removed from the residence halls at the conclusion of the program.
Q: Are program participants allowed to bring personal vehicles to the campus?
A: No. Pre-College and Summer Bridge students are not permitted to have cars on campus.
Q: Is there a curfew for the program participants?
A: Yes, there is a curfew for all program participants. Please note the curfew times below:
On-Campus Curfew
Sunday-Thursday 11:00 p.m.
Friday-Saturday 1:00 a.m.
NOTE: To stay in accordance with the City of Hampton’s rules and regulations for minors it is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 to be in a public place in the city past 11:00 P.M. All students must be on campus by 11P.M. every day. The curfew above stands for on-campus only. It is the responsibility of the student to follow the curfew.
Application Packets
Contact Information
Mailing Address
The Pre-College Program
P.O. Box 6191
Hampton University
Hampton, Virginia 23668
Email: PrecollegePrograms@hamptonu.edu
Phone: 757-727-5511
Fax: 757-637-2311
Director: Mrs. Jere White