Student Leadership

History of the Student Leadership Program

The Student Leadership Program was established on the campus of Hampton University during the 1975-76 academic year(s).

Dr. Greer Wilson, a former Director of Student Activities, founded the program under the ambition of having a unitary body of Hampton University’s elite students. These students are a viable component of the University’s efforts to retain and motivate students. Now with more than 2,900 graduates, the program has been replicated at several colleges and universities throughout the country.

The Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program is a service-learning and leadership program that plays a vital role in the holistic development of Hampton University students by providing community service experiences and interpersonal and leadership skills training opportunities.

Student Leaders are campus and community service oriented people. The purpose of the Student Leadership Program is to 1) provide peer mentors for entering freshmen and orient the freshman students to Hampton University and throughout the school year; 2) offer service to the Hampton University community; and 3) to provide leadership training to student within the program. The Student Leaders develop and host an array of activities that aim to enhance the Hampton experience.

Currently, the program involves some 150 Student Leaders from classifications Sophomore to Senior–including members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Student Government Association, and other various student organizations.  The development of leadership skills encompasses the cultivation of communication, time, management, interpersonal skills, in addition to encouraging and providing the opportunity for participants to learn more about themselves.

Student Leaders strive to be exemplary students of Hampton University and to do so they conduct themselves according to specific principles of conduct at all times. Student Leaders are involved in every facet of the University program from freshman orientation to senior week festivities.

Student Leadership Workshop Series

The Office of Student Involvement & Leadership hosts an Annual Winter Student Leadership Retreat, where student are invited back to re-group and refocused to plan for the Spring Semester.

All Leadership Workshops are coordinated through the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership.

Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program

Greer Dawson

The Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program provides leadership, development and sustained implementation of a student centered community which supports the achievement of students’ academic, career, and personal goals while simultaneously promoting civility, respect, and equity among members of the college community. Student Organizations, Student Government, and various University-wide committees and organizations function under the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership

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