Student Affairs
Hampton University
Wigwam Rm. 100
Hampton Virginia 23668
Department of Freshman Studies

First Year Experience
The Department of Freshman Studies/First Year Experience is dedicated to providing a comprehensive core of support services that will influence academic achievement and retention.
In achieving its mission and adhering to the University’s mission, the Department of Freshman Studies/First Year Experience assist freshman student’s with transitioning from high school to college by providing assistance with advising, registration, academic support and social and adjustment counseling. In addition, we focus on the following areas; freshman merit scholars, freshman on academic probation and freshman on reduced workload. These areas are monitored with bi-weekly advisement and by monthly seminars.
New Student Orientation
Entering freshmen and transfer students are required to participate in an intensive orientation program one week before the beginning of classes. The primary goal of the orientation program is to assist new students in the transition from high school or from another institution of higher learning to Hampton University. Through a program of structured activities, students learn about the University and the University becomes more aware of and responsive to the needs of its new students. There is a deliberate accent on Hampton’s values and traditions so that all new students will embrace Hampton’s rich heritage and perpetuate its legacy.
HU Freshman Induction Ceremony 2022
University 101
Hampton University introduced University 101-The Individual and Life Program in 1989. It is a required orientation course designed to improve the quality of the freshman year experience. This course is designed to provide freshmen with a common core of experiences in order to facilitate their transition to the college environment.
The University 101 course is committed to discovering creative ways to make sure our current and future students embrace Hampton’s rich heritage and perpetuate its legacy.
Topics for the course include: Character Development, Hampton University History, African American History, Liberal Arts and General Education, Education Planning, Campus Safety, Health Awareness, Relationships and Stress, Time Management, Academic Excellence, Financial Literacy, English Literature, African American Literature, African American Art, and Beyond the Classroom Activities.
Pre-College/Summer Bridge Program
The Hampton University Pre-College/Summer Bridge Program is a five-week, academic enrichment, residential program. The Pre-College/Summer Bridge Program promotes and secures an environment where students will have an opportunity to grow personally, while they enhance their academic and leadership possibilities. By attending the program, students will gain exposure to the full range of resources and facilities that are made available to them by the university.
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Department of Freshman Studies
Student Center, Second Floor
Hampton University
Hampton, Virginia 23668
Phone: 757-727-5243