Student Life
When you’re not studying, you’ll find tons of things to do and places to visit both on and off campus to entertain, enliven, and empower you. Whether you’re working out at the Student Center or participating in our annual Black History Extravaganza, your leisure time at HU is sure to be as mentally and spiritually rewarding as your studies. Perhaps even more so.
Hampton University currently hosts over 55 student organizations to help you learn new things, meet new people, and build a wealth of memorable experiences. And if we don’t have the club you’re looking for, grab a few friends and start one!
With an event calendar full of attractions, prepare to be entertained with dozens of concerts, recitals, theatrical performances, and movies throughout the year.
As a student at Hampton University, you’ll work hard toward earning the degree that will take you places. But what about the rest of your life on campus?