COVID 19 Advisory for all Hampton University Students and Parents

Hampton, Virginia 23668
(757) 727-5315

Dear Hampton University Students and Parents:

Hampton University is committed to keeping the campus community safe, informed and healthy as concern about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) grows. To date, there are no positive persons among the campus community. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Coronavirus spread a pandemic, and the purpose of this correspondence is to update you regarding the University’s plan of action regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Hampton University is closely monitoring the situation and assessing the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), as well as our own policies regarding infectious disease. Please reference the Influenza Policy of the University ( As a result, the Infectious Disease and Prevention Working Group has convened and developed a plan of action.

For the safety of the University community, all students, faculty and staff who have traveled internationally in the past 2 weeks are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. It is with an abundance of precaution that the University is requiring you to stay home for a 2-week (14-day) period of isolation. Although your travel may have been to a low risk area, that designation could easily change in the next two weeks placing you in the new category of high risk. You are required to contact the Health Center via email at HEALTHCENTER@HAMPTONU.EDU to submit documentation of your travel and provide weekly updates regarding your health status. In your email, include your name, HUID number, contact phone number and where you have traveled (including dates). Academic accommodations will be granted while you are quarantined. You should contact your professors immediately via email to coordinate make up work and assignments. Contact the Health Center via email for medical clearance before you return to campus. Students who are experiencing elevated levels of distress should call the Student Counseling Center (757) 727-5617.

If you have symptoms and/or have been confirmed as positive for the Coronavirus or have a known exposure to the Coronavirus with close contacts that are positive, please self-isolate at home. If you are experiencing symptoms of cough, fever, and shortness of breath seek emergency services and contact the Health Center. Send an email to HEALTHCENTER@HAMPTONU.EDU. In your email, include your name, HUID number, contact phone number and where you live and/or have traveled (including dates). For additional guidance, call the Health Center Coronavirus hotline at (757) 727-5333; after hours and weekends dial (757) 727-5259 to contact the nurse on call. Seek and follow the guidance of your primary care physicians and/or local health officials before returning to campus if you have tested positive for the Coronavirus or have close contact with a person confirmed as positive.

As an additional precaution, the University has suspended all international and domestic travel, study aboard program participation and all non-essential visitation to the campus. Please continue to take the following steps to help decrease the spread of the virus:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; Alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used if soap and water is not available
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Stay at home if you are sick
  • Refrain from shaking hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

Students should monitor their student email accounts for continued updates and guidance. For the latest information, go to:

CDC Traveler’s Health:


Karen T. Williams, MD
Director, Health Center