
A photo a Bereavement Services Program participants facing the camera and smiling while standing on a beach with the sunsetting behind them. They are wearing beach appropriate outfits.In addition to providing therapeutic services and resources to students who have experienced a loss, the BSP is dedicated to educating the Hampton community about grief and working to expand the definition of loss on campus. Throughout the year, there will be workshops, speaker events, and social gathering to provide students a space to remember lost loved ones.


At least once per semester, the BSP will run a workshop series focused on bereavement-related topics. These groups are open to all Hampton Students and you do not need to be engaged in other BSP services to attend. Sessions may help students build coping skills, manage loss during the transition to college, or explore the numerous ways we experience grief beyond the death of a loved one.

Bereavement Ambassadors

The BSP team includes two student Bereavement Ambassadors who will be helping spread the word about our services and organizing student-led events and programs in order to provide comfortable spaces for sharing experiences and building community.

“A Part of Me” Dinner

At the end of each semester, there will be an opportunity for all students who have experienced a loss to gather with food and friends to celebrate their loved ones. Students will hear from speakers, participate in mutual support activities, and learn more about the numerous resources the BSP has to offer.
For outreach education requests, please submit a Outreach/Training Request Form and specify the Bereavement Services Program.