Hampton University Museum Reopening
Hampton University Museum is once again open to the public. We have undergone our first renovation since the Museum moved into the Huntington Building in 1997.
Admission is free and open to the public. View our hours at the bottom of the page.
Step into a world where art and history meet and explore the oldest African American Museum in the country. Learn about the lives of Native Americans who attended Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute or dive into rich African culture and tradition in our first floor galleries. Immerse yourself in 200 years of African American fine art in our second floor galleries and see which new and exciting exhibits are featured in our changing galleries. So much discovery awaits your visit!
The purpose of the Hampton University Museum is to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and interpret artifacts and works of traditional art. Art which illustrates the cultures, heritages and histories of African, Native American, Oceanic and Asian peoples, as well as the works of contemporary African American, African and American Indian artists and three-dimensional objects which relate to the history and significance of Hampton University are the Museum’s focus.
Hampton University Museum is once again open to the public. We have undergone our first renovation since the Museum moved into the Huntington Building in 1997.
Dr. John T. Biggers became one of most influential American art educators in the 20th century. His dedication to educating and inspiring the current and future generations would manifest in his own creations and those of his endeared students.
In 2021, The Chrysler Museum of Art, in partnership with the Hampton University Museum, was awarded a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which aims to Diversify the Field of Curation and Conservation [mellondiversifyingthefield.com] by conducting a three-year pilot fellowship program for two museum professionals.
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Hampton University Museum
200 William R. Harvey Way
Hampton University
Hampton, VA 23668
Fax 757.727.5170
Archives 757.727.5374
Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
Saturday, Sunday, and all Major Holidays: Closed
Archives are closed on Saturday and Sunday
Enter campus via the main gate at the light off William R. Harvey Way