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Fall 2024

August 26, 2024On-Campus Classes Begin
September 2, 2024Labor Day
September 9, 2024Fall Recruiting Begins
September 26, 2024Fall Career & Internship Fair
October 14-18, 2024Mid-Semester Evaluations
October 20-26, 2024Homecoming Week
November 7, 2024Graduate & Professional School Fair
November 26, 2024Fall Recruiting Ends
November 27-30, 2024Thanksgiving Holiday
December 17, 2024Winter Break Begins

See Spring 2025 Dates.

View and download the 2024-2025 Recruiting Calendar Dates in pdf.



The Hampton University Career Center is centralized and collaborates with campus constituents to design and deliver comprehensive career services that assist students and alumni in developing, evaluation and implementing career plans that lead to employment and lifelong personal development. The Center is the liaison between the students, alumni, corporations and government agencies.


The Career Center is where students come to prepare for meaningful and successful careers that will enhance their lives and global communities.


Mrs. Bessie Willis, Director

TBA, Assistant Director/ Internship and Co-Op Coordinator

Mrs. Stacey Fletcher Morrison, Recruiter

Mrs. Shannon C. Fields, Employer Relations Coordinator

Ms. B. Susan Mervin, Administrative Assistant


The Hampton University Career Center is centralized and located on the first floor of the campus Multi-Purpose building. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. All activities of the office are established and function towards assisting students with developing meaningful career goals. The Career Center offers a wide range of programs and services for students, alumni and employers. These services include but are not limited to fall and spring career fairs, a Graduate and Professional School fair, employer sponsored information sessions and workshops, seminars, co-op/internship program, career counseling and career assessment tools and (Symplicity) PirateLink, a mobile app that is available to students and alumni 24/7. PirateLink offers students and alumni the opportunity to search for jobs and internships.

We encourage students to use the Career Center services and begin their professional development process during freshman year.  By the time they become seniors, students will have the skill sets and experience necessary to complete in the global marketplace. That is why so many Hampton University students are employed, in their fields upon graduation or, they go on to graduate school.