Hampton University Career and Internship Fair Registration


FALL 2024

August 26, 2024On-Campus Classes Begin
September 2, 2024Labor Day
September 9, 2024Fall Recruiting Begins
September 26, 2024Fall Career & Internship Fair
October 14-18, 2024Mid-Semester Evaluations
October 20-26, 2024Homecoming Week
November 7, 2024Graduate & Professional School Fair
November 26, 2024Fall Recruiting Ends
November 27-30, 2024Thanksgiving Holiday
December 17, 2024Winter Break Begins


January 8, 2025Winter Break Ends
January 9, 2025On-Campus Classes Resume
January 13, 2025Spring Recruiting Begins
January 20, 2025Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
February 6, 2025Spring Career & Internship Fair
March 3-7, 2025Mid-Semester Evaluations
March 10-15, 2025Spring Break
March 18, 2025Classes Resume
April 30, 2025 Spring Recruiting Ends

Welcome to the Hampton University Spring 2025 Career & Internship Fair Registration!

The spring fair will be held in the Hampton University Convocation Center on Feb 6, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Employer representatives may arrive as early as 8:30 a.m. to begin setting up their materials. The registration fee is $450.00 for non-profit organizations and $800.00 for all other employers.

All registered employers will be provided with an 8’x 6” booth, a 7”x 44” company sign, one 6-foot table, and two chairs in the Hampton University Convocation Center.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all registered representatives; breakfast is served from 8:30 to 10:00 AM and lunch from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.  All meals will be served in the Hampton University Convocation Center.


All major credit cards are accepted (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover).  A credit card payment may be made at the time of registration (here) or called in to the Career Center office at 757-727-5331.  Checks are also accepted. Please make checks payable to:  Hampton University Career Center.

All checks should be mailed to:
Hampton University Career Center
2 Frissell Ave
Hampton, VA 23668

All payments should be made before February 3, 2025.

Career Fair Participants

During registration, please indicate the total number of representatives that will attend the career fair; two are included in the registration and each additional representative is $75.00All representatives will be required to check in before entering the fair; after the fair, all signatures will be counted to determine final costs. If there are more representatives in attendance than registered, an updated invoice will be issued.

Refunds/No Shows/ Late Payments/Late Registrants

Refunds requested on or before December 31, 2024 will result in a full refund. 
Refunds requested before January 10, 2025 will result in being charged 50% of the registration fee. 
Refunds requested after January 10, 2025 will be denied. This includes “No Shows”. Additional fees will be remitted for late registrants

During registration, please indicate the total number of representatives that will attend the career fair; two are included in the registration and each additional representative is $75.00All representatives will be required to check in before entering the fair; after the fair, all signatures will be counted to determine final costs. If there are more representatives in attendance than registered, an updated invoice will be issued.

Network Connection

Employers will be provided with instructions for connecting to the University’s Wi-Fi; representatives must provide their own electronic devices for connecting with wireless network capability.  Anti-virus software with up-to-date virus definitions must be installed and active before connecting with the University’s Wi-Fi.


Please ship your Career Fair materials so they arrive no later than February 5, 2025.  Your materials will be delivered to a designated area in the Student Center for retrieval on the day of the event.  Please make sure your company name is clearly visible in large, bold lettering on each item shipped to assist in sorting.  Materials should be shipped to the following address:

Hampton University
Shipping and Receiving
Spring 2025 CAREER &
3 Shore Road
Hampton, VA 23668

Employers are responsible for collecting, packaging, and arranging pickup for all materials.  All labeled and repackaged materials will be placed in a designated area for pickup.

Driving Directions


On-campus parking is directed by Hampton University Police.  

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, representatives will be made aware of any changes to the event as early as possible.

Rental Car Companies & Car Service


Lodging & Dining

Online Registration

Online Registration: Part 1

Required Fields*

Company Name*                                                                         
Which of Hampton University’s majors do you recruit?
(Picklist of only majors available at Hampton University)

Are you recruiting graduating seniors?*


Rep. First Name*    Rep. Last Name*                                                                                                                                                                                              Are you recruiting for internship positions?*                                                                                  

Rep. Email Address*                                                                    

Does your company hire international students for:

 Please have the option for registrants to choose full-time positions, internships, or both

Hampton University remains committed to keeping the campus community safe and healthy. CDC recommends basic health and hygiene practices like handwashing and staying up to date with COVID vaccines. Individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses should folow CDC guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.