Code of Conduct
Joining the Hampton Family is an honor and requires each individual to uphold the policies, regulations, and guidelines established for students, faculty, administration, professional and other employees, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Members of the Hampton Family embrace the core values of Exceptional Character: Respect, Professionalism, Integrity, and Community. No member shall lie, cheat or steal and each member is required to adhere to and conform to the instructions and guidance of the leadership of his/her respective area. Therefore, in maintaining The Standard of Excellence, the following are expected of each member of the Hampton Family:
To respect himself or herself.
Each member of the Hampton Family will exhibit a high degree of maturity and self-respect and foster an appreciation for other cultures, one’s own cultural background, as well as the cultural heritage from which Hampton University was born. It is only through these appreciations that the future of our university can be sustained indefinitely.
To respect the dignity, feelings, worth, and values of others.
Each member of the Hampton Family will respect one another and visitors as if they were guests in one’s home. Students, faculty, and staff should engage in behaviors that are uplifting and encouraging. Moreover, to accost, bully, cajole, or proselytize students, faculty or staff, parents or others, use vile, obscene or abusive language or exhibit lewd behavior, is in direct violation of the Hampton University Code, on or off campus.
To foster a personal professional work ethic within the Hampton University Family.
Every member of the Hampton Family must strive for efficiency and job perfection. Each individual must exhibit a commitment to serve, and tasks must be executed in a humane and civil manner.
To foster an open, fair, and caring environment.
The University will maintain an open and caring environment. It is understood that intellectual stimulation is nurtured through the sharing of ideas. In cases where issues arise, each member of the Hampton Family is assured equal and fair treatment.
To respect the rights and property of others.
Each member of the Hampton Family will only engage in activities that are legal and ethical, both on and off campus. No member shall lie, cheat or steal. Other transgressions include, but are not limited to, harassment of any form, possession of weapons such as knives and firearms, involvement in possession, use, distribution and sale of illegal drugs, theft, vandalism or hazing. Violators will be subject to all applicable provisions listed in the Faculty Handbook, Educational Support Staff Personnel Policies, Benefits & Procedures Handbook, the Official Student Handbook, the Hampton University Code, and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To practice personal, professional, and academic integrity.
Personal, professional, and academic integrity is paramount to the survival and potential of the Hampton Family. Therefore, individuals found in violation of Hampton University’s policies against lying, cheating, plagiarism, or stealing are subject to disciplinary action that could possibly include dismissal from the University.
To promote inclusion, while striving to learn from differences in people, ideas, and opinions.
Each member of the Hampton Family will support equal rights and opportunities for all regardless of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, disability, ethnic heritage, socio-economic status, political, social, or other affiliation or disaffiliation.
To promote the ethical use of technology and social media
As a Hampton Family we embrace the digital age. Each member of the Hampton Family is expected to use technology in a responsible and respectful manner. Individuals should utilize their best judgment before posting content and should specifically refrain from cyber bullying or using social media to cheat. Uses of technology or social media posts that violate any of the aforementioned tenets of this Code will subject one to disciplinary action.
To be fully responsible for upholding the Hampton University Code.
Each member of the Hampton Family will embrace all tenets of the Code of Conduct, Policies, and the Honor Pledge and is encouraged to report all violators to the appropriate administrator or the Council for Institutional Culture and Values.
Approved by Administrative Council, July 31, 2018