Government Relations

Hampton University considers the creation of new knowledge through research and the dissemination of this knowledge to society important aspects of its mission. The purpose of research at Hampton University is threefold: (1) to advance and produce new knowledge, (2) to educate students, and (3) to disseminate knowledge. The University recognizes that teaching and research are essential academic activities and that research is essential to good teaching. Accordingly, faculty is expected to be actively engaged in research, scholarly activities and grantsmanship. Moreover, The Academic Handbook states that research is one of three (along with teaching and professional services) equally-weighted criteria for promotion, tenure, merit increments, etc.
The Board of Trustees and administrators support and encourage the enhancement of teaching and learning through research and other creative activities. In 1993, a new administrative area was established that was devoted to funding research and sponsored programs. This area has specific responsibility for identifying and seeking funds for research and sponsored programs, and for pre- and post-award management of grants and contracts.
The Governmental Relations unit advises the President and the administration at Hampton University as it relates to legislative and policy issues that impact the well being of the University. This unit will specifically represent Hampton University’s interests in the Virginia General Assembly, before members and committees of Congress, before federal, state and local administrative agencies and regulatory commissions, and before local governing bodies. Additionally, this office participates in the negotiation and interpretation of intellectual property terms in grants and contracts in order to ensure that the rights of sponsors and developers of technology are protected.

Inside Governmental Relations


Virginia Department of Elections

(Virginia voter registration applications are also available in our office at the front desk.)

Mailing Address:
Hampton University
Office of Governmental Relations
100 East Queen Street
Administration Building, Room 100
Hampton, VA 23668



Mr. Bill Thomas
Policy Analyst /
Associate Vice President
for Governmental Relations

Ms. Shannon Holley
Administrative Assistant

Ms. Patrice Piggott
Project Coordinator