
The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for all financial assistance programs at Hampton University (HU). However, an effective enrollment management process must involve a coordinated effort that is assisted by deans, chairs, faculty and other administrators. In this process, it is the responsibility of the Vice President of Administrative Services to coordinate the interactions of these units to insure maximum utilization of funds for enrollment management purposes.

The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for the distribution of all student aid funded through external grants, contracts, and sponsored programs. All private scholarship funds will be used to offset the University’s scholarship budget unless such use is prohibited by the donor. In such cases, private scholarships will be administered in accordance with the wishes of the donor.

Procedurally, at the time any sponsored program grant or contract is awarded to the University, the Office of Grants Management (GM) will provide the Office of Financial Aid (FA) with a budget statement that indicates the funding level for student support categories. Concurrently, GM will notify FA via the Student Aid/External Grants and Contracts form. The PI must submit the Student Aid/External Grants and Contracts form to FA within 15 days following the certification of the budget by GM. The PI will provide, within the 15 day period, the criteria for awarding student aid under the terms of the grant award.

The PI shall process the Student Aid/External Grants and Contracts form containing student aid information for the full academic year and summer session, specifying the amount available for each semester/session. It is recognized that changes in a student’s major field of concentration or a student’s financial eligibility may result in changes in the award.

If the PI fails to notify FA within 15 days, FA will assume the responsibility for identifying students to receive the awards and notifying the PI of the students to be awarded. Under these conditions, the PI will be required to submit the Student Aid/External Grants and Contracts form for the students identified by FA.

FA will use established procedures to post student aid awards to students’ accounts and/or to generate student work-study contracts. The Business Office will provide FA with a composite printout daily of all designated aid or external financial assistance posted to students’ accounts. The Business Office will also provide to FA a composite monthly printout of student support categories for all externally funded projects.

Generally, University scholarship assistance to a student will be reduced by the amount of the external scholarship grants to a student. University scholarship funds cannot be used to over award a student


Marginal Eligibility

When a student is marginally eligible in meeting the criteria for a grant or contract award, FA will review with GM the range or level of eligibility allowed by the grant. Consideration will be given, for example, to Grade Point Average (GPA) in field of concentration versus GPA in overall academic performance.



All student contracts for employment at the University must be approved by the Offices of Grants Management and Financial Aid. Student stipends are counted as a financial aid resource with regard to financial need. A student cannot receive a stipend and college work-study simultaneously. When allocating financial aid, the allocation of all external funds will occur prior to the payment of any University funds. FA will be notified of all funds being paid to students. When students are employed during the summer through externally sponsored programs, the Office of Grants Management will approve such employment. New and continuing students may be employed in the summer, although they may not be enrolled in classes.


Graduate Assistance

In providing financial assistance to graduate students, the Graduate College will notify FA when a graduate student is admitted. The Graduate College will provide FA with a copy of the acceptance letter that reflects the offer of a graduate assistantship/fellowship. Letters of such assistantships must carry the proviso that FA will certify the award.


Policy Implementation

The Vice President for Administrative Services will have responsibility for implementing this policy. The Dean will also have responsibility for relaying this policy to university community.


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