Public Health Minor

Public Health Minor

The minor in Public Health is offered by the Department of Pharmacy Practice.  Public Health is the fulfillment of society’s interest in assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy. Public health also includes organized community efforts aimed at the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. 

Anyone wanting to gain an understanding of epidemics, outbreaks, and pandemics and respond appropriately to them should pursue this minor.  To earn a minor, a student must complete a minimum of 19 credit hours of coursework. 

  • Foundations in Epidemiology (3 CH)
  • Foundations of Public Health (3 CH)
  • Introduction to Biostatistics (3 CH)
  • Seminar in Public Health (1 CH)
  • Current Topic in Public Health (3 CH)
  • Introduction to Global Health (3 CH)
  • Foundation of Environmental Public Health (3 CH)

To Elect for this minor, please access the Change of Major/Minor form and follow the instructions.

If you have further questions please call 757-728-6209