
PREM research teams have access to a superb array of resources and experimental facilities located within the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Physics, and Department of Chemistry that are essential to successfully carry out the research.

These facilities include the Materials Synthesis and Purification lab, the Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopy lab, as well as the Integrated Photonics and Optical Communication lab located within the Olin Engineering Building. Also housed in this building is the Bioinspired Polymer Engineering Laboratory that is currently under development. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry research facilities are located in Turner Hall.

In addition to these labs, Brandeis University MRSEC Shared Experimental Facilities include the Brandeis Microfluidic Fab (BMF) facility, the Computational facility, the Multi-Wavelength Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscope, and the Light Scattering facility.