Dr. Anand Iyer
Professor and Dean
Location: Biomedical Research Building II – Room 123
Phone: 757-728-6768
Email: anand.iyer@hamptonu.edu
Expertise: Pharmaceutical Sciences, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Cancer
- MBA, General Management, The College of William & Mary, 2015.
- PhD, Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, 2007.
- MS Certification, Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, 2005.
- BS, Biomedical Engineering, University of Mumbai, 2001.
Professional Experience
- Professor and Dean, School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, July 2017 – present.
- Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, July 2015 – June 2017.
- Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, July 2015 – present.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Physiological Sciences, Eastern Virginia Medical School, November 2009 – present.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, May 2009 – present.
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, West Virginia University (WVU), May 2007 – April 2009.
- Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, August 2002 – March 2007.
Honors & Awards
- Merit Award – Virginia Department of Education, Norfolk (2015)
- Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award – American Association for Cancer Research Annual Conference, San Diego (2014).
- Presidents Ambassador for Academic Excellence Award – Hampton University, Hampton (2013).
- Student National Pharmaceutical Association Advisor of the Year Award – National Pharmaceutical Association, North Carolina (2013).
- Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award – American Association for Cancer Research Annual Conference, Washington D.C. (2013).
- Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award – American Association for Cancer Research Conference on “Molecularly Targeted Therapies: Mechanisms of Resistance”, San Diego (2012).
- Full Scholarship – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory “Leadership in Bioscience” Workshop, New York (2012).
- Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Research Award – “IPF Summit 2011: From Bench to Bedside” Conference, Chicago (2011).
- Conference Award – “Towards Personalized Cancer Medicine” Conference, The New York Academy of Sciences, Barcelona, Spain (2010).
- Full Fellowship – “Frontiers in Stem Cells & Regeneration” Workshop, Woods Hole (2009).
- Van Liere Post-Doctoral Award – WVU Health Sciences Center, Morgantown, (2009).
- Annual Research Award – McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Annual Retreat, Pittsburgh (2007).
- Annual Research Award – Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (2006).
- Annual Research Award – Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (2005).
- Sir Ratan Tata Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance (1997-2001).
Teaching Experience
Instructor and Course Coordinator
- PHA 531 – Introduction to Research Methods (1 credit hours)
- PHA 321 – Anatomy and Physiology (5 credit hours)
- PHA 481 – Drug and Disease Management – General Principles (3 credits)
- PHA 482 – Drug and Disease Management – Central Nervous System (4 credits)
- PHA 588 – Drug and Disease Management – Oncology (4 credits)
Ongoing Research Support
09/2012 – 08/2017
National Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI)
Anti-Tumorigenic Potential of Novel Digitoxin Analogues- Role: Principal Investigator
- Amount: $1.35 Million
- 09/2011 – 06/2016
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH/NHLBI)
Impact of Oxidative Stress-Mediated Angiogenesis in Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Role: Co-Investigator
- Amount: $1.3 Million
Completed Research Support
01/2011 – 07/2012
Faculty Development Grant, Hampton University
Anti-Tumorigenic Effects of Novel Digitoxin Analogues- Role: Principal Investigator
- Amount: $5,250
01/2010 – 06/2011
Faculty Development Grant, Hampton University
Elucidation of Novel Signaling Mechanisms in Carbon Nanotube Carcinogenesis- Role: Principal Investigator
- Amount: $5,000
06/2010 – 12/2011
Faculty Development Grant, Hampton University
Angiogenic and Oxidative Stress Mediators in Pulmonary Fibrosis- Role: Co-Investigator
- Amount: $5,300
01/2008 – 01/2009
West Virginia University Research Funding Development Grant
Role of Akt/PKB in Mediating Carbon Nanotube-Induced Pathogenesis- Role: Co-Investigator
- Amount: $25,000
Scientific Papers
- Juan Sebastian Yakisich, Neelam Azad, Rajkumar Venkatadri, Yogesh Kulkarni, Clayton Wright, Vivek Kaushik, George O’Doherty and Anand Iyer. Digitoxin and Its Synthetic Analog MonoD Have Potent Antiproliferative Effects on Lung Cancer Cells and Potentiate the Effects of Hydroxyurea and Paclitaxel (2015). Oncology Reports [Accepted].
- Yogesh Kulkarni, Vivek Kaushik, Neelam Azad, Clayton Wright, Yon Rojanasakul, George O’Doherty and Anand Iyer. Autophagy-Induced Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells By a Novel Digitoxin Analog (2015). Journal of Cellular Physiology [Epub ahead of print].
- Yogesh Kulkarni, Sucharita Dutta, Anand Iyer, Rajkumar Venkatadri, Vivek Kaushik, Vani Ramesh, Clayton Wright, John Semmes, Sebastian Yakisich and Neelam Azad. A Proteomics Approach to Identifying Key Protein Targets Involved in VEGF-Inhibitor Mediated Attentuation of Belomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis (2015).Proteomics [Epub Ahead of Print].
- Clayton Wright, Anand Iyer, Yogesh Kulkarni and Neelam Azad. S-Nitrosylation of Bcl-2 Negatively Affects Autophagy in Lung Epithelial Cells (2015). Journal of Cellular Biochemistry [Epub Ahead of Print].
- Anand Iyer, Vani Ramesh, Carlos Castro, Vivek Kaushik, Yogesh Kulkarni, Clayton Wright, Rajkumar Venkatadri, Yon Rojanasakul and Neelam Azad. Nitric Oxide Mediates Bleomycin-Induced Angiogenesis and Pulmonary Fibrosis via Regulation of VEGF (2015). Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 116(11): 2484-2493.
- Siera Talbot, Surisuta Luanpitpong, Christian Stehlik, Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. S-nitrosylation of FLICE-inhibitory protein determines its interaction with RIP1 and activation of NF-kB (2014). Cell Cycle, 13(12): 1948-1957.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Yongju Lu, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. P38/MAPK Regulates Single-walled Carbon Nanotube-Induced Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Production (2013). Nanotoxicology, 7(2): 157-168.
- Nidhi Kaushal, Meenal Elliott, Robson Matthew, Anand Iyer, Yon Rojanasakul, Andrew Coop and Rae Matsumoto. AC927, a Sigma Ligand, Blocks Methamphetamine-Induced Secretion of Dopamine and Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in NG108-15 Cells (2012). Molecular Pharmacology, 81(3): 299-308.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Siera Talbot, Christian Stehlik, Bin Lu, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Antioxidant c-FLIP Inhibits Fas Ligand-Induced NF-kB Activation in a Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt-Dependent Manner (2011). Journal of Immunology, 187(6), 3256-3266.
- Anand Iyer, Maoquan Zhou, Neelam Azad, Hosam Elbaz, Leo Wang, Derek Rogalsky, Yon Rojanasakul, George O’Doherty and Joseph Langenhan. A Direct Comparison of the Anticancer Activities of Digitoxin MeON-Neoglycosides and O-Glycosides (2010). American Chemical Society Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1(7): 326-330.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Liying Wang, Yongju Lu, Djordje Medan, Vincent Castranova and Yon Rojanasakul. Nitric Oxide-Mediated Bcl-2 Stabilization Potentiates Malignant Transformation of Human Lung Epithelial Cells (2010). American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology, 42 (5), 578-585.
- Neelam Azad, Yongju Lu, Liying Wang, Anand Iyer, Vincent Castranova, Binghua Jiang and Yon Rojanasakul. Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase/Akt Regulates Bleomycin-Induced Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Production (2010). American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology, 42 (4), 432-441.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad and Yon Rojanasakul. Role of S-Nitrosylation in Apoptosis Resistance and Malignant Transformation (2008). Nitric Oxide Biology and Chemistry, 19(2): 146-151.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Aranya Manosroi, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Superoxide-Mediated Proteasomal Degradation of Bcl-2 Determines Cell Susceptibility to Cr(VI)-Induced Apoptosis (2008). Carcinogenesis, 29(8), 1538-1545.
- Lalana Kongkaneramit, Narong Sarisuta, Neelam Azad, Yongju Lu, Anand Iyer, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Dependence of Reactive Oxygen Species and FLICE Inhibitory Protein on Lipofectamine-Induced Apoptosis in Human Lung Epithelial Cells (2008). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 325(3): 969-977.
- Anand Iyer, Kien Tran, Linda Griffith and Alan Wells. Cell Surface Restriction Of EGFR By A Tenascin Cytotactin-Encoded EGF-Like Repeat Is Preferential For Motility-Related Signaling (2008). Journal of Cellular Physiology, 214(2): 504-512.
- Anand Iyer, Kien Tran, Christopher Borysenko, Carlos Camacho, Harry Blair, Ivet Bahar and Alan Wells. Tenascin Cytotactin EGF-Like Repeat Binds EGFR With Low Affinity Due To Altered Binding Dynamics (2007). Journal of Cellular Physiology, 211(3): 748-758.
- Christopher Borysenko, Veronica Garcia-Palacios, Reed Griswold, Yanan Li, Anand Iyer, Beatrice Yaroslavskiy, Allison Sharrow and Harry Blair. Death Receptor-3 Mediates Apoptosis In Human Osteoblasts Under Narrowly Regulated Conditions (2006). Journal of Cellular Physiology, 209(3): 1021-1028.
Scientific Reviews and Book Chapters
- Anand Iyer, Yon Rojanasakul and Neelam Azad. Nitrosothiol Signaling and Protein Nitrosation in Cell Death (2014). Nitric Oxide, 15, 42C: 9-18.
- Neelam Azad and Anand Iyer. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Apoptosis (2013). Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 2nd Ed., 113-136.
- Surisuta Luanpitpong, Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Nitrosothiol Signaling in Anoikis Resistance and Cancer Metastasis (2012). Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, 3(2): 141-154.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Yon Rojanasakul and Joseph Ma. Application of Nanosciences in Pharmaceutics (2012). Basic Physical Pharmacy, 1st Ed., 486-516.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad and Yon Rojanasakul. S-nitrosylation – How Cancer Cells Say NO to Cell Death. Nitric Oxide Biology and Chemistry, Prognosis, Prevention and Therapy (2010), Part 3, 85-102.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer, Val Vallyathan, Liying Wang, Vincent Castranova and Yon Rojanasakul. Role of Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress-Mediated Bcl-2 Regulation in Apoptosis and Malignant Transformation (2010). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1203:1-6.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer and Yon Rojanasakul. Methods to Analyze S-nitrosylation of Proteins Involved in Apoptosis (2009). Methods in Molecular Biology, 559, 117-130.
- Neelam Azad, Anand Iyer and Yon Rojanasakul. DNA Microarrays in Drug Discovery and Development (2007). Biopharmaceutical Drug Design and Development, 2nd Ed., 47-66.
Poster Presentations
- Rajkumar Venkatadri, Clayton Wright, Vivek Kaushik, Yogesh Kulkarni, Juan Sebastian Yakisich, Anand Iyer and Neelam Azad. Role of microRNAs in Resveratrol-Induced Breast Cancer Cell Death. AACR Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2015.
- Yogesh Kulkarni, Vivek Kaushik,Rajkumar Venkatadri, Clayton Wright, George O’Doherty, Neelam Azad, and Anand Iyer. Cardiac Glycoside Digitoxin and its Monosaccharide MonoD Inhibit NF-kB to Induce Apoptotic Cell Death in ER+ MCF-7 and Triple Negative MDAMB-468 Breast Cancer Cells. AACR Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2015.
- Clayton Wright, Anand Iyer, Yogesh Kulkarniand Neelam Azad. S-Nitrosylation of Bcl-2 Negatively Affects Autophagy in Malignantly Transformed Lung Epithelial Cells. AACR Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2015.
- Yogesh Kulkarni, Neelam Azad, George O’Doherty, Yon Rojanasakul and Anand Iyer. Role of Autophagy in MonoD-Induced Cell Death. AACR Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2014.
- Vivek Kaushik, Yogesh Kulkarni, Clayton Wright, George O’Doherty, Yon Rojanasakul, Neelam Azad and Anand Iyer. Structural Analysis of Cardiac Glycosides to Determine the Basis of Tumoristatic Activity. AACR Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2014
- Yogesh Kulkarni, Neelam Azad, George O’Doherty, Yon Rojanasakul and Anand Iyer. Anti-tumorigenic potential of a novel analog of Digitoxin. AACR Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2013.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Angiogenic Mediators Regulate Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Induced Fibrogenesis in Human Lung Fibroblasts. The IPF Summit 2011: From Bench to Bedside, Chicago, 2011.
- Anand Iyer and Jonathan Newsome. Physician Willingness to Accept Pharmacist’s Recommendation Made through Medication Therapy Management. The Annual Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Seattle, 2011.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Tumorigenic Potential of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes. NYAS Conference on “Towards Personalized Cancer Medicine”, Barcelona, 2010.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, George O’Doherty, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Anti-Tumorigenic Potential of Novel Digitoxin Analogues. NYAS Conference on “Towards Personalized Cancer Medicine”, Barcelona, 2010.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Siera Talbot, Bin Lu, Yongju Lu, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Novel Role of c-FLIP in Akt-mediated NF-κB Regulation – Implications for Death Receptor Signaling. WVU Annual Van Liere Research Day, Morgantown, 2009.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Yongju Lu, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Angiogenic Potential of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – Implications for Carcinogenesis. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Atlanta, 2008.
- Anand Iyer, Neelam Azad, Bin Lu, Liying Wang and Yon Rojanasakul. Role of c-FLIP as a Positive Regulator of NFkB Signaling. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), San Diego, 2007.
- Anand Iyer, Kien Tran, Carlos Camacho, Linda Griffith, Harry Blair, Ivet Bahar and Alan Wells. Role of Tenascin-C EGF-like Repeats in Wound Healing Mediated by EGFR. Annual Meeting of McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Nemacolin, 2007.
- Anand Iyer, Kien Tran, Christopher Borysenko, Llewellyn Richardson, Linda Griffith, Ivet Bahar and Alan Wells. Tenascin-C EGF-like Repeats bind to EGFR with Ultra-Low Affinity. Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, 2006.
- Anand Iyer, Kien Tran, Christopher Borysenko, Linda Griffith, Harry Blair, Ivet Bahar and Alan Wells. Tenascin-C EGF-like Repeats: Novel Matrikine Ligands for EGFR. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, San Diego, 2005.
- Anand Iyer and Alan Wells. Temporo-Spatial Control of Signaling Responses via EGFR pathway. Gordon Conference for Mathematical Models in Signaling Systems, Nashville, 2004.
Professional Affiliations
- The Rho Chi Academic Honors Society in Pharmacy
- The Sigma Xi Research Society
- The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
- American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
- American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Leadership Experience
- Chair (2014 – present) – HUSOP Curriculum Committee
- Faculty Advisor (2013 – present) – Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) Chapter, HUSOP
- Co-Chair (2014) – HUSOP Accreditation Self-Study Committee
- Member (2013) – Leadership in Biosciences Workshop by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
- Principal Investigator (2012 – 2017) – NIH Research Grant
- Faculty Mentor (2012 – 2013) – Dr. Antonio Carrion (Assistant Professor – Pharmacy Practice, HUSOP)
- Faculty Mentor (2014 – present) – Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni (Assistant Professor – Pharmaceutical Sciences, HUSOP)
Grant/Manuscript Review Experience
- Editorial Board: Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta
- Editorial Board: American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology
- Editorial Board: Scientific Journals International
- Editorial Board: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
- Editorial Board: Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery
- Grant Reviewer (2014 – present) – American Heart Association Research Grants
- Ad Hoc Reviewer: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer: Cell Death and Differentiation
- Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Ad Hoc Reviewer: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Ad Hoc Reviewer: BMC Biochemistry
Hampton University (HU)
- Chair of HUSOP Curriculum Committee
- Co-Chair of HU Self-Study Committee for Accreditation
- Member of the HU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Member of Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Member of the Steering Committee for Strategic Planning 2020
- Member of the Committee on Finances for Strategic Planning 2020
- Member of the HU committee on Board Relations
- Faculty Advisor for HU Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) Chapter
- Member of the HUSOP Assessment Committee
- Mentored high-school students from the Governor’s School of Science and Technology and undergraduate students from Hampton University in laboratory research – 2010 to present
- Served as a judge at Governor’s School Science Day, New Horizons High School – 2013
- Served as a judge at Virginia State Science & Engineering Fair, Old Dominion University (ODU) – 2013
- Served as a judge at Virginia State Science & Engineering Fair, ODU – 2012
- Served as a judge at Virginia State Science & Engineering Fair, ODU – 2012
- Served as a judge at Virginia State Science & Engineering Fair, ODU – 2011
- Served as a judge at Trinity Middle School Science Fair – 2010
- Served as a judge at Tidewater Science Fair, ODU – 2010