
Traffic Control Committee Appeals Board

The Traffic Control Committee Appeals Board was established by Hampton University to provide parking customers with an avenue for appeal in the event they felt a citation may have been issued unjustly. The Board does not include employees of the Traffic Office. The responsibility of the Board is to review and make sure certain parking citations were issued in accordance with Hampton University parking rules & regulations and consider written and in-person appeals for reducing, granting or denying citations.
Once the Board reaches a decision, the appellant will be notified by email. The decision of the Board is final and a violation may not be re-assessed unless significant compelling evidence or proof is submitted. Appeals are submitted on line.
Please contact the HU Traffic Office directly for information regarding Appeals and how to process them. 
To contact the Traffic Administration OfficeCall (757) – 727 – 5258
The Board uses the following guidelines to reach a decision:
  • When you purchase a parking permit, you agree to abide by the parking rules and regulations established by the University.
  • Ignorance of the parking regulations is not an excuse. Understanding parking regulations is considered to be the responsibility of the motorized vehicle driver.
  • A parking permit is not a guarantee of a space. Not only is the driver responsible for finding an authorized space, but the lack thereof does not justify a parking violation.
  • The person in whose name the parking permit was issued is ultimately responsible for all citations issued on all vehicles displaying that permit, regardless of who is driving the vehicle at the time of the violation. A citation is not excused because another person was using the vehicle or permit.
  • Students, faculty and staff must register their vehicles to drive or park on University property, with the parking permits displayed correctly to be considered valid.
  • The Appeals Committee considers all available information during the adjudication process. That includes information provided by the appellant, the issuing officer’s statement, an appellant’s parking history, and the Hampton University Parking Policies.
The Traffic Appeals Board consists of a representative from the following Divisions:
  • • Dean of Residence Life /Dean of Judicial Affairs and Housing
  • • Faculty/Staff
  • • SGA Representative