Parking Rules

Visitors to the campus can pick up a “VISITOR” pass from the security guard at the main gate.  The main gate is located at the intersection of Tyler and E. Queen Streets.  The pass is valid for one business day.  Visitors are expected to display the pass on the vehicle dashboard, and they should park in a marked space provided for them.  As stated on the pass; violations of this parking courtesy could result in a wheel immobilizer being placed on the vehicle.  A written log entry of license number and destination is made of visitors arriving on campus after 9PM. View the Parking Regulations and/or Special Parking link(s) below for further information on visitor parking.
All University Police Officers employed by the University Police Department are sworn through the Circuit Court of the City of Hampton, have completed the required curriculum at the Police Academy, in accordance with Virginia State Law, and have the same arrest and enforcement authority as any other law enforcement officer.