Scholarship Search



External Resources

The original listing of external resources has been revised and replaced with our new External Scholarship Database PDF.

This database lists each external scholarship opportunity in a particular category describing the nature of the offer (e.g. Database = organizations listing numerous scholarships, Politics/Law = law firms offering scholarships, STEM = science, technology, engineering & math scholarships).

In addition, each opportunity contains details related to: deadline, amount, required GPA & major, keywords, and the URL (web address).

The new database will be revised periodically to include newer opportunities and remove inactive entries.

The database should be used along with the other resources available in the Pages section above, to ensure awareness of more opportunities that may be available.

View/Download External Scholarships Database PDF – March 2024 Edition

Financial Aid Office Scholarship Application

Upon individual request, the scholarship application is made available by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for purposes of determining the potential eligibility of applicants for available institutional scholarships, as administered by this office.

By completing and submitting the application, applicants confirm their understanding that there is no guarantee of selection to receive a scholarship. In addition, applicants must be prepared to cover their outstanding charges by the official University deadlines. Applicants should not rely on the possibility of receiving a scholarship award in order to meet financial clearance deadlines.

Applicants who are awarded a scholarship will receive notification via e-mail from the Financial Aid Review Committee to inform them of additional requirement (if applicable) contingent of the award, and whether the award is renewable or not by August 16, 2023. Applicants can check the Student Portal (mycampus) via HUNet in order to verify receipt of their scholarship application:

Please note again that completion and submission of the application does not constitute a guarantee. All scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The decision to award or not to award is based solely on the Committee’s determination of the applicant’s eligibility as stated in the established criteria, and availability of funding associated with the scholarship under consideration. There is no University appeals procedure associated with this award determination process. The decision of the Committee is final and is binding and there is no further appeal avenue available to the applicant. The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to change the decision date of awards, without prior notice.