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Hampton Army Reserve Officer Training (ROTC)

Hampton University Department of Military Science (Army ROTC) provides professional leadership instruction to students who desire to develop and improve management, communication and team building skills utilizing the US Army Officer Training model.

Our mission is to develop students academically, mentally, and physically. The students will be imbued with the highest ideas of duty, and honor to support the attributes of a commissioned officer. The program will demand the best from each student to prepare them as they embark on leading professional lives as civilians or as Officers in the United States Army.

Our students will learn and must be willing to lead with moral character and assume the highest responsibilities in society. Participation in the program is voluntary. Students are eligible to participate without any service obligations.

Army ROTC Leadership Curriculum

The AROTC leadership curriculum has two phases that total 21 credit hours.

Phase I: the Basic Leadership Course, consist of two years (Freshman/Sophomore) of basic military classroom and field training instruction to introduce students to leadership development concepts, the Army Values and military customs, traditions and courtesies. The second phase is the Advance Leadership Course. This phase is divided into two parts. The first part is preparing juniors or first year graduate students of the Art and Science of tactical leader development. This portion of the phase is culminated with a 37 day summer leadership assessment to evaluate and develop leadership potential. The evaluation is conducted at the Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, KY.

Phase II: This phase prepares seniors or graduate students for Officership, focusing on the skills, attributes and traits to be a successful Army officer

While enrolled in the program each student will have an opportunity to compete for an Active, Reserve, or National Guard commission. Additionally, all contracted students receive a leadership stipend, and financial compensation during training events.

Students may enter the ROTC program during any year in college. Basic course classes require no service obligation, but they must be completed prior to progressing to the advanced course.

Students with prior military service, 4 year junior ROTC participation, or participated in the Reserve or National Guard with completion of Basic Training may be granted placement credit with the PMS approval.

Army Military Leadership Minor Requirements

To earn a minor in Army Military leadership, students must complete the following courses: Military Science 101/102; 201/202; 301/302; 401/402; and HIST 222. Students must complete 21 credit hours, and maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in all courses.

For all Military Science Class, there is an associated Lab that is one time a week for 2 hours.

Army ROTC Scholarships

AROTC scholarships are available for students who are strongly interested in commissioning in to the United States Army. Students are able to compete for two, three, and four year campus based and Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarships. The scholarships pay full tuition, comprehensive fees and books.

In addition to tuition scholarships, each semester AROTC cadets compete for room scholarships. These scholarships are award to the students’ with the highest performance in ROTC, and overall academic standings.

For additional questions regarding scholarships or enrollment, please contact Mr. John McDonald (Hampton University AROTC Enrollment Officer) at email or office 757-727-5850.

Leadership Excellence

Army ROTC is an elective curriculum you take along with your required college classes. It gives you the tools, training and experiences that will help you succeed in any competitive environment. Along with great leadership training, Army ROTC can pay for your college tuition. Because Army ROTC is an elective, you can participate your freshman and sophomore years without any obligation to join the Army. You will have a normal college student experience like everyone else on campus, but when you graduate, you will be commissioned as an Officer in the Army. At that point, you will have a wide range of interest areas you can specialize in called branches.

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Made to Lead
Being an Officer in the U.S. Army means you’re a leader, a counselor, a strategist and a motivator. It’s similar to being a vital manager in a corporation. As an Officer, you will lead other Soldiers in all situations and adjust in environments that are always changing. They are driven to achieve success with their team on every mission.

Leadership Development that Lasts a Lifetime
Army ROTC is one of the Nation’s top leadership programs, with many benefits to joining. Through Army ROTC you can:

Get help with your college tuition with an Army ROTC scholarship
Gain experience you can’t find anywhere else
Gain the respect of your peers and future employers
Train to become a leader and manager
Earn Your Commission
Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is one of the best leadership courses in the country and is part of your college curriculum. During classes and field training, you will learn first-hand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and how to conduct missions as an Officer in the Army. Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will earn the bar of a Second Lieutenant and become a leader for life.

Hampton University Department of Military Science (Army ROTC)
The Military Science Army Reserve Officer Corps (AROTC) provides professional leadership instruction to students who desire to develop and improve management, communication and team building skills utilizing the US Army Officer Training model.

Our mission is to develop students academically, mentally, and physically. The students will be imbued with the highest ideas of duty, and honor to support the attributes of a commissioned officer. The program will demand the best from each student to prepare them as they embark on leading professional lives as civilians or as Officers in the United States Army.

Our students will learn and must be willing to lead with moral character and assume the highest responsibilities in society. Participation in the program is voluntary. Students are eligible to participate without any service obligations.

Army ROTC Leadership Curriculum
The AROTC leadership curriculum has two phases that total 21 credit hours.

Phase I: the Basic Leadership Course, consist of two years (Freshman/Sophomore) of basic military classroom and field training instruction to introduce students to leadership development concepts, the Army Values and military customs, traditions and courtesies. The second phase is the Advance Leadership Course. This phase is divided into two parts. The first part is preparing juniors or first year graduate students of the Art and Science of tactical leader development. This portion of the phase is culminated with a 37 day summer leadership assessment to evaluate and develop leadership potential. The evaluation is conducted at the Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Fort Knox, KY.

Phase II: This phase prepares seniors or graduate students for Officership, focusing on the skills, attributes and traits to be a successful Army officer

While enrolled in the program each student will have an opportunity to compete for an Active, Reserve, or National Guard commission. Additionally, all contracted students receive a leadership stipend, and financial compensation during training events.

Students may enter the ROTC program during any year in college. Basic course classes require no service obligation, but they must be completed prior to progressing to the advanced course.

Enrollment in the advance course is dependent upon the following:

Satisfactory completion of the basic course which can be completed in two ways.
a) Attend the Leadership Training Course (LTC) at Fort Knox, KY (29 day summer training)

b) Progress as freshman through sophomore year of college

2. Successfully pass the Army Physical Fitness test.

3. Selection by the Professor of Military Science (PMS).

Students with prior military service, 4 year junior ROTC participation, or participated in the Reserve or National Guard with completion of Basic Training may be granted placement credit with the PMS approval.

Army Military Leadership Minor Requirements
To earn a minor in Army Military leadership, students must complete the following courses: Military Science 101/102; 201/202; 301/302; 401/402; and HIST 222. Students must complete 21 credit hours, and maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in all courses.

Curriculum Outline – AROTC
Freshman Year Semester

1st 2nd

Military Science 101 1

Military Science 102 1

Sophomore Year

Military Science 201 2

Military Science 202 3

HIS 222 3

Junior Year

Military Science 301 3

Military Science 302 3

Senior Year

Military Science 401 3

Military Science 402 3

Total (21)

For all Military Science Class, there is an associated Lab that is one time a week for 2 hours.

Army ROTC Scholarships
AROTC scholarships are available for students who are strongly interested in commissioning in to the United States Army. Students are able to compete for two, three, and four year campus based and Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarships. The scholarships pay full tuition, comprehensive fees and books.

In addition to tuition scholarships, each semester AROTC cadets compete for room scholarships. These scholarships are award to the students’ with the highest performance in ROTC, and overall academic standings.

For additional questions regarding scholarships or enrollment, please contact Mr. John McDonald (Hampton University AROTC Enrollment Officer) at email or office 757-727-5850.

Cadet Professional Development Training
A variety of professional military development opportunities are available for contracted students. These opportunities are not all inclusive, but highly recommend:

Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT): provides select LDAC graduates the opportunity to increase their leadership experience. This on-the-job experience is the most rewarding and relevant leadership training available to cadets. Cadets are assigned to units in the Active Army where they will shadow a Second Lieutenant. Cadets will receive tasking’s to assist the units mission, as well as develop the cadet. CTLT affords the cadet an opportunity to receive real world experience prior to becoming a commissioned officer. CTLT is conducted at Army installations around the world (i.e. Europe, Hawaii, and Alaska).

Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP): is available for nurse cadets. It provides student nurses an opportunity to practice the clinical phase of instruction at Army Medical Treatment facilities worldwide.

Cultural Development: Cadets receive opportunities to learn and experience different cultures by participating in the Cultural Understanding, and Language Proficiency (CULP), and the Olmstead Scholar Program (OSP). These programs provide a solid foundation on the cultural experience by immersing students in work and study abroad.

Additional Training: The most promising cadets are provided opportunities to attend the following courses: Airborne, Air Assault, Mountain Warfare, Northern Warfare and John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Internship Program (JFKSWIP).

For more information, please contact Mr. John McDonald (Hampton University AROTC Enrollment Officer) at email or office 757-727-5850.
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