CAEP Accreditation - Department of Education

Candidate Competency at Completion

Measure 3:
The EPP ensures candidates have content knowledge and are able to apply that knowledge at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates are able to apply critical content for their concentration proficiency to all P-12 students. Candidates also demonstrate a positive impact on P-12 student learning and content. The basis for judging candidate performance was well-defined and documented by the VDOE in the requirements for teacher licensure. ETS set the standards for scoring and the state of Virginia determined the thresholds. PRAXIS II subject tests measure knowledge of core subject areas such as Mathematics, Biology, English, and Music. These exams are taken prior to entry into clinical practice (Student Teaching). The passing scores indicate a proficient level of content knowledge required for teaching. All candidates must meet or exceed the State minimum to pass and be eligible for entry into clinical practice (student teaching). Passing scores for the Praxis II assessment are set by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the Virginia General Assembly.

Assessment measures and sources of evidence provide the methods, data, and materials used to assess areas of quality. Each area, reading and writing, is assessed using a set of quantitative data methods and measures. Quantitative data, obtained from VCLA, is processed, evaluated, and disaggregated to determine content knowledge and the extent to which it is being met for candidates. The VCLA is used to measure students’ basic skills in reading and writing to ensure proficiency in the basic skills and knowledge needed for successful matriculation in the Approved Teacher Education Program.

Praxis II Results

  GPA(Cumulative) Praxis  II–Reading(157)
Major: IDS
Praxis  II-SS(155)
Major: IDS
Praxis  II-Math(157) Major: IDS Praxis  II-Science(159)
Major: IDS
Praxis II- RVE (157) Praxis II- Teaching Reading (159) Praxis II-Music(160)
Major: Music
Praxis II-Math (160)
Major: Math
Praxis II Health/PE
Major:  HPE
Praxis II Biology (155)
Major:  Biology 
FALL 2020
IDS (N=1) 3.82 175 188 192 192 174 --- --- --- ---  
SPR 2021
IDS (N=2) 3.6 172.5 171 194.5 181.5 169.5 --- --- --- ---  
MATH ED (N=1) 3.96 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 167.87 ---  
BIO ED (N=1) 3.53 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 156
FALL 2021
HPE (N=1) 4.1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 170  
IDS (N=1) 2.8 164 152.67 158.5 169 159 --- --- --- ---  
SPR 2022
MUSIC ED (N= 1) 3.54 --- --- --- --- --- --- 163 --- ---  
SPR 2023
IDS (N=3) 3.62 169.3 166 188.67 164 --- 163.3 --- --- ---  
FALL 2023
IDS (N= 1)   158 168 183 164.5 --- 155.5 --- --- ---  
MUSIC ED (N=1)   --- --- --- --- --- ---   --- ---  
Average   167.76 169.13 174.2 173.5 167.5 159.4 163 167.87 170  
  GPA(Cumulative) Praxis  II–Reading(157)
Major: IDS
Praxis  II-SS(155)
Major: IDS
Praxis  II-Math(157) Major: IDS Praxis  II-Science(159)
Major: IDS
Praxis II- RVE (157) Praxis II- Teaching Reading (159) Praxis II-Music(160)
Major: Music
Praxis II-Math (160)
Major: Math
Praxis II Health/PE
Major:  HPE
Praxis II Biology (155)
Major:  Biology 
FALL 2020
IDS (N=1) 3.82 175 188 192 192 174 --- --- --- ---  
SPR 2021
IDS (N=2) 3.6 172.5 171 194.5 181.5 169.5 --- --- --- ---  
MATH ED (N=1) 3.96 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 167.87 ---  
BIO ED (N=1) 3.53 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 156
FALL 2021
HPE (N=1) 4.1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 170  
IDS (N=1) 2.8 164 152.67 158.5 169 159 --- --- --- ---  
SPR 2022
MUSIC ED (N= 1) 3.54 --- --- --- --- --- --- 163 --- ---  
SPR 2023
IDS (N=3) 3.62 169.3 166 188.67 164 --- 163.3 --- --- ---  
FALL 2023
IDS (N= 1)   158 168 183 164.5 --- 155.5 --- --- ---  
MUSIC ED (N=1)   --- --- --- --- --- ---   --- ---  
Average   167.76 169.13 174.2 173.5 167.5 159.4 163 167.87 170  

Reading for Virginia Educators Results

A table graph displaying RVE Scores. Min. passing: 157. State average: 169. Hampton Uni.: 167.

Teaching Reading Results

A table graph displaying Teaching Reading Scores. Min. passing: 159. State average: 159.9. Hampton Uni.: 159.4.

Virginia Communication Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Results

A table graph displaying VCLA Scores. Fall 20-21. Min. passing: 470. State average: 481. Hampton Uni.: 514.7. Fall 21-22. Min. passing: 470. State average: 478. Hampton Uni.: 489.13. Fall 22-23. Min. passing: 470. State average: 472. Hampton Uni.: 510.9.
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