The research agenda of the Department is varied and includes, among other things:

  • Exploration of personality disorders 
  • Adolescent behavior and their impact to learning environments
  • Problems and psychopathologies inhibiting clients quality of life
  • Integrated care models
  • Trauma and resilience
  • Impact of participatory action research to social justice issues in schools and communities
  • School Counselor Advocacy of Black male students with International backgrounds from Africa
  • African centered school counseling program in Ghana to impact career development and wellness
  • Impact of Pan african study abroad model to leadership and career development and levels of civic engagement among university students 
  • The treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  

Students are exposed to real-world counseling experiences via voluntary services in the Community Free Clinic of Newport News, practicum and internship, where they help to develop integrated care models. The program sponsors trips for students to attend the Virginia Board of Counseling meetings to ensure students have a foundation for advocacy.  The HU Counseling Department addresses the disparity of Black male professionals in school and community counseling through the Black Male Counseling Initiative, recruiting males of color to matriculate through our program.

Counseling Department establishes new partnership with 3GC Inc. ( a non profit organization that “seeks to promote service learning partnerships between Africa and the Diaspora”.  Counseling Department students will travel to Ghana in Summer 2019 to pilot partnership to kick off annual Spring Break and Summer trips focused upon Counseling International Service Learning projects in Ghanaian communities and a symposium at the University of Ghana with their Department of Psychology on Global Mental Health through African centered perspectives. 

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