Hampton, Va. (May 1, 2023) – The New York Chapter of the National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc., sponsored the 2nd Annual NHAA, Inc. Legacy Blue Gala and Awards Dinner held in New York, NY. The event was held as fund-raising support for the National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc., Student Emergency Fund to provide gap-funding for students at Hampton. The program also included special alumni recognitions highlighting continued leadership and success at the University, in the NHAA, Inc. and in their local communities.
Alumni from the North Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, and North Carolina Regions travelled to New York to support the President’s strategic initiatives to “Elevate Hampton’s Excellence”. “The National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc. has established a goal to raise $1 million for their student emergency fund. In this one event, alumni and friends of Hampton has pledged over $86,000 and are continuing to count in-coming donations,” said Brint M. Martin, assistant vice president for alumni affairs.
There were a number of notable alumni in attendance, and President Darrell K. and First Lady Myra Williams attended on behalf of the University, thanking the participants and the donors.
See photo gallery: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14fjpZSytudqn0jFtx0Ve4cDYwP8az0pt