Ruben Delgado

Office: 154 William R. Harvey Way
Phone: 757-728-6745
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, 2011
Professional Experience and Research
Dr. Delgado is currently serving as the Director of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences, the Principal Investigator (PI) in the Hampton University (HU) Lidar Laboratory, campus PI in the NOAA Center for Earth Science Systems for Remote Sensing Technology, Team Leader in a NASA’s Increasing Participation for Minority Serving Institution program and the Unified Ceilometer Network (UCN). In addition, he has served as PI in multiple proposals and field campaigns in air quality and wind energy, and federally sponsored academic and research consortiums that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility for underrepresented minority communities.
His research relies in the integration of in-situ ground meteorology and chemical composition measurements that are combined with profiling remote sensing technology and satellite products to study the coupling of chemistry and dynamics in the fields of air quality, wind energy and meteorology. The remote sensing portfolio and expertise includes multiple lidar technology (elastic aerosol, Raman (water vapor) and scanning Doppler wind lidar (wind direction and speed, and vertical velocity profiles), radio sondes and microwave radiometer. Dr. Delgado has conducted extensive assessment of multiple algorithms for estimating PBL height from remote sensing technology. Algorithms, data analysis, public accessibility and dissemination is performed with the latest cybersecurity, cloud computing, open-source services.
Recent Publications (2020-present)
- “VOC and trace gas measurements and ozone chemistry over the Chesapeake Bay during OWLETS-2, 2018”, J. Dreessen, X. Ren, D. Gardner, K. Green, P. Stratton, J. T. Sullivan, R. Delgado, R. R. Dickerson, M. Woodman, T. Berkoff, G. Gronoff, A. Ring, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 2136782, 2023.
- “Cluster-based characterization of multi-dimensional tropospheric ozone variability in coastal regions: an analysis of lidar measurements and model results”, C. Bernier, Y. Wang, G. Gronoff, T. Berkoff, K. E. Knowland, J. T. Sullivan, R. Delgado, V. Caicedo, B. Carroll, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 15313–15331,, 2022.“Sensitivity of total column NO2 at a marine site within the Chesapeake Bay during OWLETS-2”, A. Kotsakis, T. F. Hanisco, V. Caicedo, T. Berkhoff, G. Gronoff, C.P. Loughner, X. Ren, W.T. Luke, P. Kelley, P.R. Stratton, R. Delgado, N. Abuhassan, L. Shalaby, F.C. Santos, J. Dreessen, Atmospheric Environment, 277, 119063,, 2022.
- “Influence of the transported Canadian wildfire smoke on the ozone and particle pollution over the Mid-Atlantic United States”, Z.Yang, B. Demoz, R. Delgado, J. Sullivan, A. Tangborn, P. Lee, Atmospheric Environment, 273, 118940,, 2022.
- “Improvement of wind power prediction from meteorological characterization with machine learning models”, C. Sasser, M. Yu, R. Delgado, Renewable Energy, 183, 491-501,, 2022.
- “Observations of bay-breeze and ozone events over a marine site during the OWLETS-2 campaign”, V. Caicedo, R. Delgado, W.T. Luke, X. Ren, P. Kelley, P.R. Stratton, R.R. Dickerson, T.A. Berkoff, G. Gronoff, Atmos. Environ., 263,, 2021.
- “Comprehensive evaluations of diurnal NO2 measurements during DISCOVER-AQ 2011: effects of resolution-dependent representation of NOx emissions”, J. Li, Y. Wang, R. Zhang, C. Smeltzer, A. Weinheimer, A., J. Herman, K. F. Boersma, E.A. Celarier, R.W. Long, J.J. Szykman, R. Delgado, A. Thompson, T.N. Knepp, L. N., Lamsal, S.J. Janz, M.G. Kowalewski, X. Liu, X., C.R. Nowlan, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11133–11160,, 2021.
- “Urban aerosol chemistry at a land-water transition site during summer – Part 2: Aerosol pH and liquid water content”, M.A. Battaglia, N. Balasus, K. Ball, V. Caicedo, R. Delgado, A.G. Carlton, C.J. Hennigan, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,21, 18271-18281, 21-18271-2021.
- “Urban aerosol chemistry at a land-water transition site during summer – Part 1: Impact of agricultural and industrial ammonia emissions”, N. Balasus, M.A. Battaglia, K. Ball, V. Caicedo, R. Delgado, A.G. Carlton, C.J. Hennigan, Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 21, 13051–13065,, 2021.
- “Tracking Smoke from a Prescribed Fire and Its Impacts on Local Air Quality Using Temporally Resolved GOES-16 ABI Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)”, A. K. Huff, S. Kondragunta, H. Zhang, I. Laszlo, M. Zhou, V. Caicedo, R. Delgado, R. Levy, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0162.1, 2021.
- “Lidar Observations of a Mesoscale Moisture Transport Event Impacting Convection and Comparison to Rapid Referesh Model Analysis”, B. J. Carroll, B. B. Demoz, D. D. Turner, R. Delgado, Monthly Weather Review, 149 (2), 463-477,, 2021.
- “Wind Resource Assessment and Economic Viability of Conventional and Unconventional Small Wind Turbines: A Case Study of Maryland”, N. Goudarzi, K. Mohammadi, A. St. Pé, R. Delgado, W. Zhu, Energies, 13 (22), 5874, DOI: 10.3390/en13225874, 2020.
- “An automated common algorithm for planetary boundary layer retrievals using aerosol lidars in support of the U.S. EPA Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations Program”, V. Caicedo, R. Delgado, R. Sakai, T. Knepp, D. Williams, K. Cavender, B. Lefer, J. Szykman, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 37 (10): 1847–1864, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0050.1, 2020.