Special Programs and Partnerships

Boston University School of Medicine
Early Selection Program

The purpose of the Early Medical School Selection Program (EMSSP) is to provide a more gradual transition into the medical school curriculum through provisional acceptance into the Boston University School of Medicine at the completion of the Sophomore year of undergraduate study. Students accepted into the program will remain at Hampton University during the Junior year. They will participate in clinical and academic experiences at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts during the summer after the Sophomore year and the summer following their Junior year, and complete their Senior year of undergraduate education at Boston University. During the summer programs students will receive instruction in time management, study skills, medical terminology, biochemistry, MCAT preparation and a seminar entitled Race, Ethnicity and Health. Each student is assigned to a physician mentor whom they shadow during their two six-week summer sessions in Boston to gain exposure to the practice of medicine and the life of a physician. Students will participate in individualized programs during the senior year at Boston University that will allow them to complete requirements for graduation from Hampton University and complete two medical school courses each semester, while paying the tuition rate they would pay to Hampton University. Upon successful completion of the senior year, the student will return to Hampton University to graduate with his/her class, and in September will matriculate into the School of Medicine at Boston University and pursue a decompressed medical school curriculum, having already completed two medical courses each semester during the senior year. The application deadline for the EMSSP program is January 31st of the Sophomore year.


Eastern Virginia Medical School
Joint BS / MD Program

Hampton University maintains a Joint BS / MD Program with Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS). For this program, Hampton University undergraduates are selected at the end of their Sophomore year based upon scholarly merit and the strength of the extracurricular and leadership activities of the applicant (including, but not limited to, scientific research, health care experiences through local hospitals, physician’s offices, and rescue squads). Students participate in clinical and academic experiences at Eastern Virginia Medical School in nearby Norfolk, Virginia during the Summer months preceding their Junior and Senior years at Hampton University. Upon completion of the summer programs and the maintenance of a solid academic performance at HU, program participants are automatically admitted into the medical program at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Selected students are not required to take the MCAT for admission into medical school at EVMS. However, students may wish to apply to other Schools of Medicine. As such, students must fulfill published AMCAS requirements upon applying for admission to other medical programs, which usually include a solid performance on the MCAT examination. The guarantee of a position at EVMS is contingent upon fulfillment of the stringent academic eligibility requirements in the Joint BS/MD Program between Hampton University and Eastern Virginia Medical School.


Meharry Medical College School of Medicine
Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine Program

Hampton University collaboratively maintains the Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine Program with Meharry Medical College (MMC). This program is designed to recognize strong candidates for medical school as early as possible in the undergraduate tenure of the student. For this program, up to five Hampton University undergraduates may be selected at the end of their Freshman year to participate in the program. Successful applicants demonstrate high academic potential via their GPA and propensity to enroll in challenging classes. Applicants also typically have an interest in current issues in health care and a knowledge regarding the medical profession. During the summer between the Freshman and Sophomore years, participants attend a thorough six-week summer academic and clinical enrichment session at the campus of Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Furthermore, upon acceptance into the Hampton University – Meharry Medical College BS / MD Program, students receive conditional acceptance into The School of Medicine at Meharry Medical College. Acceptance is predicated on maintaining a minimum science GPA, participation in Meharry summer programs, and a competitive cumulative score on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Applicants must apply early in the Fall semester of their Freshman year.


Hampton University / Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Guaranteed Admission Preferred Applicant Track

Hampton University and the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Medicine provides the opportunity for early identification of two (2) HU students per year, demonstrating a 3.5 overall GPA and 3.4 science GPA. Students will receive a formal offer of admission to the VCU School of Medicine once they have completed the requirements to meet the guarantee. Program guidelines maintain that students selected in the Sophomore year must graduate with University Honors (Honors College); achieve MCAT scores of at least 26, with no individual score below 7; register with AMCAS by May 15th of the year to matriculate into medical school; submit AMCAS application by June 15th of the year to matriculate into medical school; and complete several prerequisite courses together with the VCU School of Medicine supplemental application. Students selected must also maintain good academic standing with Hampton University, meet with VCU School of Medicine Dean of Admissions in the summers before the junior and senior years, and complete a total of one-hundred and eighty (180) hours of medically related experience. Students are to understand that this agreement is with Hampton University and they may not petition VCU School of Medicine in the event they do not adhere to the program requirements.


Undergraduate Training in the Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer With Focus on Genetics of Disease Progression and Quality of Life

Hampton University is collaborating with the Feinstein Institute in New York on an undergraduate prostate cancer research training program which is funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). This collaboration involves the training of School of Science and School of Pharmacy students at Hofstra University in New York on racial disparities in prostate cancer treatments, access to care and outcomes. Through this program, sophomore and junior Hampton University students participate in 8-10 weeks of paid summer prostate cancer research at Hofstra. In addition, a cancer epidemiology course has been developed and is being taught at Hampton University jointly by Hampton professors and Feinstein Institute professionals via SKYPE. This program is under the leadership of Dr. Andraos-Selim, Associate Professor of Biology at Hampton University and Dr. Emanuela Taioli, the Chief of Epidemiology at North Shore-LIJ.