

Olin Engineering Building 102 H 



Dr. Adhikari Krishna

Position: Visiting Faculty, Physics

Educational Background: M. Sc., Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal; M.S. & Ph. D., Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

Research Interests:  Experimental Nuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab (JLab) for understanding the fundamental structure of nucleons and nuclear matter in the framework of the Standard Model and its possible extensions.

My primary research interest is in understanding the fundamental structure of nucleons and nuclear matter in the framework of the Standard Model and its possible extensions. Tests of the Standard Model predictions and the search of new physics through precision measurements and new particle discoveries contributes to such understanding and I have been a part of this international effort for quite a while.

Selected Publications:

Measurement of the 𝑄2 Dependence of the Deuteron Spin Structure Function 𝑔1 and its Moments at Low 𝑄2 with CLAS K. P. Adhikari et al. (CLAS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 062501

Measurement of the proton spin structure at long distances

X Zheng, A Deur, H Kang, SE Kuhn, M Ripani, J Zhang, KP Adhikari, et al. Nature Physics 17 (6), 736-741

Experimental study of the behavior of the Bjorken sum at very low Q2 A Deur, JP Chen, SE Kuhn, C Peng, M Ripani, V Sulkosky, K Adhikari, et al. Physics Letters B 825, 136878

Measurement of target and double-spin asymmetries for the 𝑒𝑝→𝑒⁢𝜋+⁡(𝑛) reaction in the nucleon resonance region at low 𝑄2 X. Zheng, K. P. Adhikari et al. (CLAS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. C 94, 045206