Society of Physics Students

SPS Overview
The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a professional association explicitly designed for students and their mentors. With over 4100 official members in about 800 chapters on college campuses, SPS provides opportunities for physics students across the nation, including research awards, outreach programs, scholarships, and travel awards. The SPS website ( provides information and applications for these opportunities, as well as other physics contacts, society news, hot science, physics career information, and the lighter side of physics. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics.
Hampton University SPS participates in several projects, research opportunities, outreach programs, and mentorship programs throughout the year. They volunteer their services at local schools and reach out to students in grades K-12 in hopes of getting them interested in going on a physics path. Whether it is on or off campus, the SPS is involved year-round in physics related activities.
Mailing Address:
Department of Physics
Hampton University
Olin Engineering Building,
Room 102
268 Emancipation Drive
Hampton VA 23668
Phone: 757.727.5277
Fax: 757.728.6910
Acting Chairperson:
Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo