Department of Computer Science Faculty & Staff


Dr. Jean Muhammad Dr. Jean Muhammad Chair, Computer Science
Science and Technology 120

Phone: 757-727-5564

Expertise: Software Engineering, Computer Science Education and Pedegogy

Dr. Muhammad earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Florida State University in 2005, M.S. of Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1991, and the Certification in Postgraduate Academic Leadership at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in 2015.  Dr. Muhammad was a NPSC Fellowship Award Winner in 1996. Previous Teaching Experiences: Florida State, Florida A&M.  Professional Experiences: AT&T Bell labs, currently Nokia, 1989-1996 and AirNet Communications in 1996

Research Interests: Software Engineering, Computer Science Educational Development and Pedegogy, Risk Management, Cyber Security Education, Leadership Management.


Curriculum Vitae(PDF File)


Howard University, Business Administration (31 cr hrs) 1968-1970

District of Columbia Teachers College, Business Education (24 cr hrs.) 1973-1975

Chicago State University, Computer Science B.S. 1984

Illinois Institute of Technology, Computer Science M.S. 1991

Florida State University, Computer Science M.S. 1999

Florida State University, Computer Science Ph.D. 2005


2006-present: Chair, Department of Computer Science, Hampton University

2013-present: Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Hampton University

2006-2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Hampton University8/2005-8/2006: Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University

8/2004-8/2005: Research Assistant/Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University

8/2002-5/2004: Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Information Sciences, Florida A&M University

3/2003-5/2003: Adjunct Instructor, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University

1/2002-4/2002: Distance Learning Mentor, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University

5/1998-8/1998: Computer Science Instructor, FGAMP, Florida A&M University

6/1996-8/1996: Summer Internship, IBM Corporation6/1997-8/1997: Summer Internship, IBM Corporation

6/1989-1/1996: Management Technical Staff (MTS), AT&T Bell Laboratories Intelligence Offer Network Manager (4/1995-1/1996) Software Developer (6/1989-4/1995)

1985-1987: Manager/Staff Instructor, Saudi Arabian Cultural Center for Women

1984-1985: Program Developer/Staff Instructor, Shobokshi Computer Institute for Women


  • Debnam, D. and Muhammad, J. (2021) The Intersection Between Societal and Ethical Laws and the Use of Autonomous Vehicles (AV). (Undergraduate Oral Presentation) The2021 ADMI Symposium, March 26-27, 2021, Virtual.
  • Jaiyesimi, L. and Muhammad, J. (2021). Wearable Technology and its Current and Future impact within the Medical Field. (Undergraduate Oral Presentation) The 2021 ADMI Symposium, March 26-27, 2021, Virtual.
  • Thompson, S. and Muhammad, J. (2021). How Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning are Changing the Healthcare Industry. (Undergraduate Oral Presentation) The 2021 ADMI Symposium, March 26-27, 2021, Virtual.
  • Williams, K. and Muhammad, J. (2021). How does the Dark Web Influence Human (and Sex) Trafficking? What Security Implementations are Involved in the Dark Web? (Undergraduate Oral Presentation) The 2021 ADMI Symposium, March 26-27, 2021, Virtual.
  • Whitkaker, A & Muhammad, Jean (2019) Voting Application Implementing Blockchain in Node JS. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April 11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN.
  • Hayslett, Courtney & Muhammad, Jean (2019) Today’s Cyberthreat Landscape and the GIS –Risk Analysis. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019,April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN.
  • Farrow, Gretchen. & Muhammad, Jean (2019). Analyzing the Generational Online Privacy & Security. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN.
  • Hammond, Omari & Muhammad, Jean (2019). Does Connecting to Public Wi-Fi Have an Effect on Your Personal Information and Privacy. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN.
  • Johnson-Simpson, Kalyn & Muhammad, Jean (2019). The Disconnect Between Black Women and Technology: A Closer Look on Why Black Women Are Not Pursuing Opportunities or Careers in Technology. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN.
  • Sapp, Kendall & Muhammad, Jean (2019). Cyber Security Related to Online Shopping. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN. (3rdPlace –Undergraduate Papers)
  • Thomas, Briana & Muhammad, Jean (2019). Social Media Applications: Taking More Information Than You Agreed To. Paper and Oral Presentation at ADMI-2019, April-11-14, 2019, Memphis, TN. (1stPlace –Undergraduate Papers)
  • Liyanaarachchi, A., Daneshyari, M.D., & Muhammad, J.A., & Boonthum-Denecke, C. (2019) Handwritten digit recognition using Backpropagation learning with multilayer Perceptron. Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (to be published in December 2019).
  • Anderson J., Muhammad J.A., & Daneshyari M.D., (June 2019). “Modeling Transactions after Genes to Predict Instances of Fraudulent Banking and Credit Transactions”, Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1.
  • Snow, M. & Muhammad, J. (2017). Comparing Cloud Computing & Big Data Risk Management. Oral Presentation at ADMI-2017, March 24-25, 2017 Virginia Beach, VA.
  • Jones, C. & Muhammad, J. (2017). Ransomware and Its Impact on Modern Society. Oral Presentation at ADMI-2017, March 24-25, 2017 Virginia Beach, VA. (3rdplace undergraduate presentation).
  • Hayslett, C. & Muhammad, J. (2017). The Expansion of Bitcoin. Oral Presentation at ADMI-2017, March 24-25, 2017 Virginia Beach, VA. (2ndplace undergraduate presentation).
  • Legand Burge, Marlon Mejias, KaMar Galloway, Kinnis Gosha, Jean Muhammad, “Holistic Development of Underrepresented Students through Academic –Industry Partnerships”, SIGCSE 2017, No.ss277, March 8th-11, Seattle, WA.
  • Viswanathan, S., & Muhammad, J. (2016). Data Science –A Software Perspective. Paper Oral Presentation atADMI-2016, March 31-April 2, 2016, Winston-Salem, NC.(1stplace, graduate student presentation).
  • Muhammad, Jean and Hu,Yen-Hung, “Towards the Balance of Computer Science Curriculum”, will appear in the Proceeding of the 2008 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS’08).
  • Yen-Hung Huand Jean Muhammad, “A Strategy of Integrating Game Programming into Computer Science Curriculum, “in proceeding of Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS’9), July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  • Muhammad, Jean A. 2005. A Framework for Agency. Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University.
  • Muhammad, Jean A. 2005. Cooperative Agent Framework. In the Proceeding of JCIS’2005, 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah. July 2005.
  • Muhammad, Jean A. 1998. A Role of Generalized Morphisms in Co-operative Activities of Agents. In the JCIS ’98 Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, editor: Wang, Paul, P.

Selected Grant Awards

  • Co-PI: ONR N00014-19-S-F09 Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Research Training Program at Hampton University. ($249,910 for one year, 2020-2021) [PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • Co-PI: (Renewal Grant) NSF-SFS: CyberCorps: SFS: Hampton University Graduate Education and Training Scholarship in Information Assurance (HU GETS-IA) Program.($4M for 5 years, 2018-2023)[PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • PI: NSF HBCU-UP Targeted Infusion Project: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Curriculum at Hampton University. ($399,868; 2019-2022)
  • PI:-NSF-CNS: HBCU Computer Science Workshop. (Awarded $134,860 for 2 years, January 1, 2019 –December 31, 2021) -[ Co-PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • PI:-NSF-CNS: HBCU Workshops on Building Capacity for Research in Computing and Data Science. (Awarded August, $87,770 -July 31, 2021) [Co-PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • PI: ( Hampton University )-Apple / HBCU C2 Program with Primary PI: Tennessee State University [CoPI:Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke, Dr. Janett Walters-Williams, Ms. Peggy Peebles.
  • Co-PI: Microsoft Impact 2020 Proposal. ($200,000 for one year) –PI: Dr, JoAnn Haysbert, Drs. Joyce Shirazi, Co-PIs: Jean Muhammad, Demetris Geddis, Chutima Boonthum-Denecke.2020-2021.
  • Co-PI:-Amazon Robotics. ($500,000) –PI: Dr. A. Harrison, Co-PIs: Dr. Joyce Shirazi, Dr. Jean Muhammad, Dr. Demetris Geddis, Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke. 2021-Current.
  • Co-PI: NSF S-STEM Workforce Preparation through Computing Scholarship (We-Prep-CS) Program. ($622,480, 2015-2020).[PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • PI: NSF HBCU-UP Targeted Infusion Project: Increasing and Retaining Computer Science majors at Hampton University through Computational Thinking and Curriculum Reformation. NSF HBCU-UP Award # 1332508 ($397,690, 2013-2016)
  • Co-PI: NSF Scholarship for Service: Hampton University Graduate Education and Training Scholarships in Information Assurance (HU GETS-IA) Program, $2.3M. (2013-2017) [PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • Co-PI: NSA BAA-003-15: Intelligent Secured Programming and Cloud-based System.($187,020, 2015-2016): [PI: Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke]
  • Virginia Space Grant Consortium –“The Hampton University Workshop for Middle School Teachers: Broadening Participation in Space Science”, (Co-PI).
  • PI: Virginia Space STEM Student Scholarships –(10) over 3 years;
  • PI: NSF –Awarded –BPC:STARS: Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Services –Funded by NSF, subcontract from University of North Carolina 2008-2011. The grant was designated as NSF-BPC (07-548) and was entitled “The STARS Alliance: A Southeastern Partnership for Broadening Participation in Computing”. The purpose of the grant is to increase the number of minorities and women entering into college Majoring the computing sciences.
  • PI: NSF-BPC “STARS: Leveraging”-Extension; 2011-Present, subcontract University of North Carolina. . $103,085 (2011-2014)
  • PI: IN-KIND GIFT -Sun Microsystems Change the World Equipment Grant, $70,000 (2009).
  • PI: Equipment Gift –Apple, Inc. –4 Apple Mac Book Pro Desktops (2009).
  • PI: Hampton University CS Department Google Grant: 50,000 (2010).

Synergistic Activities

  • Service to Black Data Processing Association (Board Member) Student Advisor
  • Service to Undergraduate and Graduate Industry Placement (Mentor)
  • Chair’s Graduate School Club (Advisor/Mentor)
  • Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Co-Advisor: provide guidance for the CyberCorps Scholarship for Service students at Hampton University as well as supervise their research activities.

Collaborators & Other Affiliations

  • Professional Affiliations: Association of Computing Machinery, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Computer Society.
  • ADMI (The Association of Computer Information Sciences and Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions).
  • UNCC: STARS Alliance BPC: Hampton University.
  • A4RC: Alliance for the Advancement of African American Researchers in Computing
  • Industrial Affiliations/Collaborations: Lockheed Martin, Inc., IBM, AT&T, Accenture, Deloitte, Inc., Apple, Inc, Google, Inc.
  • Institutional Collaborators: Dr. Edward Jones (Florida A&M U.), Dr. Thorna Hampries (Norfolk State University), Dr. Jason Black (Florida A&M U.), Dr. Ladislav Kohout (FSU),Dr. Clement Allen (Florida A&M University), Dr. Lois Hawkes (FSU), Carnegie Mellon: Dr. Dena Haritos Tsamitis, Director, Information Networking Institute Director, Education, Training and Outreach, CyLab Carnegie Mellon University; Carter Jones(Heinz College –Carnegie Mellon), Dr. Rebecca Caldwell (Winston Salem University), Dr. Legand Burge ( Howard University).

Professional Memberships

ACM : Association of Computing Machinery

IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

AAAI : Association of the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

BDPA : Black Data Processing Association (Board Member)

ADMI : The Association of Computer .Information Sciences and Engineering Departments at Minority Institutions, Member of Board of Directors.

NSBE: National Society of Black Engineers

UPE : Upsilon Pi Epsilon (National Honor Society in the field of Computer Science)