Computer Science – Bachelors Degree

BS in Computer Science
The Computer Science major is software-oriented and prepares the students for responsibilities and assignments involving the design, development, and maintenance of software in the industry. It also provides the necessary quantitative background for graduate studies and/or employment in research-oriented institutions. The core courses involve close study of computer architecture, organization, and assembly languages, along with algorithm design, problem-solving techniques, software design and development, and structured programming concepts.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at Hampton University is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET (111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 – telephone: 410-347-7770), ABET is also a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors and the Council of Quality Assurance in International Education.

Program Educational Objectives – BS in Computer Science

PEO-1: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired within the Computer Science (CSC).
PEO-1-1: CSC graduates will be provided with a broad general education that will prepare them to function in the world-at-large as productive and ethical professionals and as responsible citizens.
PEO-1-2: CSC graduates will be able to serve as productive and ethical members of society and the profession. They will have a very good understanding of ethical issues and their applications.
PEO-1-3: CSC graduates will be prepared for tasks involving the design, development, and maintenance of software in industry.
PEO-1-4: CSC graduates will be able to apply techniques, methodologies, tools and skills to build high-quality computer-based systems that function effectively and reliably in the emerging information infrastructure.
PEO-1-5: CSC graduates will be able to work in teams, to apply theoretical and analytical methods, to apply principles of software engineering, and to model real-world processes and objects.
PEO-1-6: CSC graduates will be aware that graduate study is a viable option. They will have the basic skills to be competitive.
PEO-1-7: CSC graduates will understand and be able to apply mathematics, science and concepts of computer science to graduate studies.
PEO-1-8: CSC graduates will be aware of research areas within the discipline and basic research techniques.

PEO-2: Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills.
PEO-2-1: CSC graduates will be able to work in teams, to apply theoretical and analytical methods, to apply principles of software engineering, and to model real-world processes and objects.
PEO-2-2: CSC graduates will be provided with the necessary quantitative background for graduate studies and/or employment in research-oriented institutions.

PEO-3: Demonstrate research, library and technology skills required for advanced study or employment in the discipline.
PEO-3-1: CSC graduates will be able to understand and maintain computer science skills consistent with current trends and adapt to advances in technology of the computer science profession.
PEO-3-2: CSC graduates will have the motivation and the ability to adapt to evolving methodologies of computing.
PEO-3-3: CSC graduates will be provided with the necessary quantitative background for graduate studies and/or employment in research-oriented institutions.

Student Outcomes – BS in Computer Science
Graduates of the program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the computer science.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the computer science.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.