Dr. Demetris L. Geddis
Assistant Dean and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Location: Olin 118
Phone: (757) 727 – 5299
Email: Demetris.Geddis@hamptonu.edu
Expertise: Integrated Photonics and Micro/Nano Technology
Education: Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003

Demetris L. Geddis is the Assistant Dean of the School of Engineering, Architecture, and Aviation and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Hampton University. Dr. Geddis earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Hampton University (’98) and Master of Science and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has extensive research experience in the areas of integrated optoelectronics, photonic integrated circuits, micro and nanofabrication, and semiconductor materials. Dr. Geddis has worked as a Research and Design Engineer at Motorola and Bell Laboratories. He has also worked at the NASA Langley Research Center as a NASA Faculty Fellow for the Nondestructive Evaluation Sciences Branch where he performed research in the area of optical fiber sensing for real time health monitoring of aerospace vehicles. Currently, Dr. Geddis serves as the Principal Investigator of the Hampton-Brandeis Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM), which is a six-year NSF-funded program that brings together faculty and students from engineering, physics, and chemistry to forge new knowledge in the area of integrated photonic materials.
G. Mirbagheri, I. Uba,K. Ghebreyessus, U. Hömmerich, S. Fraden, M. Stehnach, and D. Geddis, “Numerical analysis of the propagation modes of photo-switching PDMS-arylazopyrazole optical waveguide and thin-film spectroscopic characterization,” Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2023).
Mirbagheri, G.; Uba, I.; Ghebreyessus, K.; Hommerich, U.; Fraden, S.; Stehnach, M.; Geddis, D. “Numerical Analysis of the Propagation Modes of Photo-switching PDMS-Arylazopyrazole Optical Waveguide and Thin-Film Spectroscopic Characterization” SPIE Photonics, West Proceedings, 2023.
Uba, D. Geddis, K. Ghebreyessus, U. Hommerich, and J. Dumas, “A Study of Wave Confinement and Optical Force in Polydimethlysiloxane–Arylazopyrazole Composite for Photonic Applications,” Polymers, 2022, 14, 896.
K. C. Smith, D. Geddis, J. Dumas, “The role of the HBCU pipeline in diversifying the STEM workforce: Training the next generation of drug delivery researchers,” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 176, 2021, 113866.
I. Uba, K. Ghebreyessus, D. Geddis and U. Hommerich, “Tunable Optoelectronic Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane-Arylazopyrazole Flexible Composite,” SoutheastCon 2021, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon45413.2021.9401853.
U. Hömmerich, J. Barnett, A. Kabir, K. Ghebreyessus, K. Hampton, S. Uba, I. Uba, D. Geddis, C. Yang, S. B. Trivedi, S. Fraden, Ali Aghvami, “Comparative steady-state and time-resolved emission spectroscopy of Mn-doped CsPbCl3 perovskite nanoparticles and bulk single crystals for photonic applications,” Proc. SPIE 11682, Optical Components and Materials XVIII, 116821J (5 March 2021)
Ghebreyessus, K.; Uba, I.; Geddis, D.; Hommerich, U. ” Solid-State Photoswitching in arylazopyrazole-embedded polydimethylsiloxane composite thin films” J. Solid State. Chem. 2021, 303, 122519.
Demetris Geddis, Brian Aufderheide, Herman Colquhoun Jr., “Project and Design-Based Introductory Engineering Course using Arduino Kits,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2020.
J. Kelly, M. Chouikha, C. Scott, K. Connor, D. Geddis, M. Ndoye, S. Abraham, M. Velez-Reyes, S. Zein-Sabatto, R. Yaqub “The Inclusive Engineering Consortium Stakeholders Workshop,” ASEE Virtual Conference, June 2020
Nathan Holland, Brian Aufderheide, and Demetris Geddis, “Addition of Arduino Kits to Introductory Engineering Course,” ASEE Southeastern Section Conference Proceedings, 2019